MUDr., lékař (3. chirurgická klinika Fakultní nemocnice v Motole). Autor publikací v oboru chirurgie.
2 chirurgická klinika 1 LF UK a FN v Motole Praha
3 chirurgická klinika 1 lékařská fakulta Univerzity karlovy a Fakultní nemocnice v Motole Praha
3 chirurgická klinika 1 lékařská fakulta Univerzity Karlovy Fakultní nemocnice v Motole Praha
3 chirurgická klinika 1 Lékařské fakulty Univerzity Karlovy a Fakultní nemocnice Motol
3 Chirurgická klinika 1 LF UK a FN Motol Praha
3 chirurgická klinika 1 LF UK a FN v Motole Praha
3 chirurgická klinika FN Motol Praha
3 Chirurgická klinika FN Motol Praha
3 chirurgická klinika FN Praha Motol
3 chirurgická klinika LF UK a FN v Motole Praha
3rd Clinic of Surgery 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Prague and University Hospital Motol 5 Uvalu 84 Praha 5 150 06 Czech Republic
3rd Department of Surgery 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University and Motol University Hospital Prague Czech Republic
3rd Department of Surgery 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Prague and University Hospital Motol Prague Czech Republic
3rd Department of Surgery 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Prague Czech Republic
3rd Department of Surgery 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University University Hospital Motol Prague Czech Republic
3rd Department of Surgery 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University Prague and University Hospital Motol Prague Czech Republic
3rd Department of Surgery University Hospital in Motol Prague Czech Republic
3rd Department of Surgery ͷst Faculty of Medicine Charles University Prague and Motol University Hospital Czech Republic
FN Motol Praha