MUDr., urgentní lékař, anesteziolog.
1 interní klinika FN Plzeň a LF UK
Biomedicínské centrum LF UK Plzeň
Collaboration for Research in Intensive Care Copenhagen Denmark
Department of Anaesthesiology Perioperative and Intensive Care Medicine Masaryk Hospital J E Purkinje University Usti nad Labem Czech Republic
Department of Anaesthesiology Perioperative Medicine and Intensive Care J E Purkinje University Masaryk Hospital Usti nad Labem Czech Republic
Department of Intensive Care Medicine Nepean Hospital Penrith Australia
Department of Intensive Care University Hospital Pilsen Pilsen Czech Republic
Dept of Intensive Care Medicine Nepean Hospital University of Sydney Australia
ICU Department of Internal Medicine 1 Faculty of Medicine Charles University and University Hospital Pilsen Czech Republic
JIP 1 Interna FN Plzeň
JIP 1 Interní klinika FN Plzeň
Nepean Clinical School Sydney Medical School and University of Sydney Penrith Australia