Mgr., PhD., biochemik (Katedra biochemie Přírodovědecké fakulty UK v Praze, Laboratoř charakterizace molekulární struktury Mikrobiologického ústavu AV ČR).
Biotechnologický ústav AV ČR
Department of Biochemistry Charles University Prague Czech Republi
Department of Biochemistry Charles Univerzity Prague
Department of Biochemistry Faculty of Science Charles University Prague Czech Republic
Department of Biochemistry Faculty of Sciences Charles University Prague Czech Republic
Institute of Microbiology Czech Academy of Science Prague
Institute of Microbiology of the ASCR v v i Prague
Narozen 6.3.1960 v Praze. Prof. (2007), RNDr., CSc., biochemik, práce z oboru.
Centre of Biocatalysis and Biotransformation Institute of Microbiology Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Department of Biochemistry Charles Univerzity Prague
Department of Biochemistry Faculty of Science Charles University Prague
Department of Biochemistry Faculty of Science Charles University Prague Czech Republic
Glycobiology Group Northwick Park Hospital Harrow Middlesex UK Department of Biochemistry Faculty of Science Charles University Prague
Inst Biotechnol Prague Czech Republik
Institute of Microbiology Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Institute of Microbiology Czech Academy of Science Prague
Katedra biochemie přirodovědecké fakulty UK Praha
Oddělení imunologie a gnotobiologie MBÚ Praha