Narozen 1962. Ing., DrSc., vědecký pracovník (endokrinologie, steroidy). Publikace v oboru.
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1st Faculty of Medicine and General Teaching Hospital Prague Czech Republic
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the 1st Faculty of Medicine and General Teaching Hospital Prague Czech Republic
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Prague
Department of Steroid Hormones and Proteohormones Institute of Endocrinology Prague Czech Republic
Department of Steroids and Proteofactors Institute of Endocrinology 11000 Prague Czech Republic
Department of Steroids and Proteofactors Institute of Endocrinology Narodni 139 8 110 00 Prague Czech Republic
Department of Steroids and Proteofactors Institute of Endocrinology Narodni 8 116 94 Prague Czech Republic
Department of Steroids and Proteofactors Institute of Endocrinology Národni 8 11694 Prague Czech Republic
Department of Steroids and Proteofactors Institute of Endocrinology Prague Czech Republic
Department of Steroids and Proteohormones and Department of Clinical Immunology Institute of Endocrinology Prague Czech
Department of Steroids and Proteohormones Institute of Endocrinology Prague Czech Republic
Endokrinologický ústav
Endokrinologický ústav AV ČR
Endokrinologický ústav Centrum pro diagnostiku a léčbu obezity Praha
Endokrinologický ústav Obezitologické centrum Praha
Endokrinologický ústav Oddělení steroidù a proteofaktorù Praha
Endokrinologický ústav Prague Czech Republic
Endokrinologický ústav Praha
Endokrinologický ústav Praha Česká republika
Institute for Endocrinology 11694 Prague Czech Republic
Institute of Emdocrinology Prague Czech Republic
Institute of Endocrinology 110 00 Prague Czech Republic
Institute of Endocrinology 11000 Prague Czech Republic
Institute of Endocrinology Department of Steroids and Proteofactors Narodni 8 116 94 Prague Czech Republic
Institute of Endocrinology Department of Steroids and Proteofactors Prague Czech Republic
Institute of Endocrinology Laboratory of Clinical and Experimental Neuroendocrinology Prague Czech Republic
Institute of Endocrinology Národní 8 110 00 Prague Czech Republic
Institute of Endocrinology Narodni 8 11394 Prague Czech Republic
Institute of Endocrinology Narodni 8 116 94 Prague 1 Czech Republic
Institute of Endocrinology Narodni 8 11694 Prague Czech Republic
Institute of Endocrinology Národní 8 11694 Prague Czech Republic
Institute of Endocrinology Národní 8 Prague 116 94 Czech Republic
Institute of Endocrinology Národní trída 8 Prague 116 94 Czech Republic
Institute of Endocrinology Obesity Management Center Národní 8 116 94 Prague 1 Czech Republic
Institute of Endocrinology Obesity Management Centre Prague Czech Republic
Institute of Endocrinology Prague
Institute of Endocrinology Prague Czech Republic
Institute of Endocrinology Prague CZECH REPUBLIC
Institute of Endocrinology Prague Czech Republic and Charles University Prague 1st Faculty of Medicine and General University Hospital Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Prague Czech Republic
Institute of Endocrinology Prague CzechRepublic
Institute of Endocrinology Praha Czech Republic
Institute of Endocrionolgy Prague Czech Republic
Institution of Endocrinology Prague Czech Republic
Obesity Management Center Institute of Endocrinology Prague Czech Republic
Obesity Management Centre Institute of Endocrinology Prague
Obesity Management Centre Institute of Endocrinology Prague Czech Republic
Oddělení steroidů a proteofaktorů Endokrinologický ústav Praha
Oddělení steroidů a proteofaktorů Endokrinologický ústav Praha Česká republika
Steroid Hormone Unit Institute of Endocrinology Národní třída 8 Prague 116 94 Praha 1 CZ 116 94 Czech Republic
Steroid Hormone Unit Institute of Endocrinology Prague Czech Republic