Bubeníková-Valesová, V* Dotaz Zobrazit nápovědu
Narozena 1977. RNDr., PhD., pracuje v oboru psychiatrie (Psychiatrické centrum Praha), specializuje se na drogové zavislosti.
3 LF UK Praha
Centrum neuropsychiatrických studií
Centrum neuropsychiatrických studií Praha
Department of Biochemistry and Brain Pathophysiology Prague Psychiatric Center Prague Czech Republic
Department of Brain Pathophysiology and Biochemistry Prague Psychiatric Center Prague Czech Republic
Institute of Physiology Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Prague Czech Republic
Laboratory of Biochemistry and Pathophysiology of the Brain Prague Psychiatric Centre Prague
Prague Psychiatric Center
Prague Psychiatric Center affiliated with Charles University 3rd Medical Faculty Prague
Prague Psychiatric Center and Centre of Neuropsychiatric Studies Prague
Prague Psychiatric Center Department of Biochemistry and Brain Pathophysiology Prague
Prague Psychiatric Center Prague
Prague Psychiatric Center Prague Czech Republic
Prague Psychiatric Centre Ustavni 91 Prague 8 Czech Republic
Psychatrické centrum Praha a 3 LF UK Praha
Psychiatric Center Prague
Psychiatric Centre Prague Prague
Psychiatrické centrum Praha
Psychiatrické centrum Praha Praha