Moss, P* Dotaz Zobrazit nápovědu
Americký novinář a vysokoškolský učitel. Autor knihy o praktikách potravinářských firem.
Publikace z oboru veřejné zdravotnictví, radiační ochrana, hygiena, pracovní lékařství.
M.D., univerzitní profesor; chirurg, pediatrický kardiochirurg.
Cardiology Department Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine Prague Czech Republic
Cardiology Division Cedars Sinai Heart Institute Los Angeles CA
Cardiology Division Department of Medicine Duke University Medical Center Durham NC
Cardiovascular Institute Loyola University Medical Center Chicago IL
Department of Cardiology Gentofte University Hospital Hellerup Denmark
Department of Cardiology Tokyo Women's Medical University Tokyo Japan
Department of Medicine Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Bethesda MD
Department of Medicine University of Iowa Health Care Iowa City
Division of Cardiology Henry Ford Hospital Detroit MI
Division of Cardiology Hospital of the Good Samaritan Los Angeles CA
From the Heart Research Follow up Program University of Rochester Medical Center NY
New England Cardiac Arrhythmia Center Tufts New England Medical Center Boston MA
St Luke's and Roosevelt Hospitals Departments of Medicine and Epidemiology Columbia University New York NY
MD, lékař rakouského původu, revmatolog (Arthritis Center, Einstein Medical Center; Moss Rehabilitation Hospital, Philadelphia, Pensylvánie, USA).