Rucká, L* Dotaz Zobrazit nápovědu
Narozena 1954. Vystudovala FF UK obor Knihovnictví a vědecké informace. Od 40 let nevidomá.
MUDr., internista (I. interní oddělení Ústřední vojenské nemocnice Praha, od roku 2008 2. interní klinika 1. LF UK a VFN Praha). Hlavním zájmem je invazivní i neinvazivní diagnostika a léčba cévních onemocnění.
1 LF UK a VFN Praha 2 interní klinika klinika kardiologie a angiologie
2 interní klinika kardiologie a angiologie 1 lékařská fakulta Univerzity Karlovy a Všeobecná fakultní nemocnice Praha Praha Česká republika
2 interní klinika kardiologie a angiologie 1 lékařské fakulty Univerzity Karlovy a Všeobecné fakultní nemocnice Praha
2 interní klinika kardiologie a angiologie 1 LF UK a VFN Praha
2nd Department of Internal Cardiovascular Medicine 1st Medical Faculty Charles University and General Teaching Hospital Prague
2nd Department of Internal Cardiovascular Medicine General Teaching Hospital Charles University Prague Czech Republic
2nd Department of Internal Medicine Cardiology and Angiology General teaching Hospita Prague
2nd Department of Internal Medicine Cardiology and Angiology General University Hospital 1st School of Medicine Charles University Prague Czech Republic
2nd Department of Internal Medicine Cardiology and Angiology General University Hospital Prague 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Prague head prof MUDr Aleš Linhart DrSc
2nd Department of internal medicine General Teaching Hospital 1st Medical faculty Charles University Prague Czech Republic
2nd Department of Medicine Department of Cardiovascular Medicine 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Prague and General University Hospital Prague Czech Republic
2nd Department of Medicine Department of Cardiovascular Medicine 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Prague and General University Hospital Prague Prague Czech Republic
2nd Medical Department Clinical Department of Cardiology and Angiology General Teaching Hospital and 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Prague Prague Czech Republic
Department of intemal medicine 1st Faculty of Medicine Central Military Hospital U vojenské nemocnice 1200 169 02 Prague 6 Czech Republic
Department of Internal Medicine 2nd Medical Department General University Hospital and 1st Faculty of Medicine Prague Czech Republic
Department of Internal Medicine Central Military Hospital Prague Czech Republic
Division of Cardiovascular Diseases Military University Hospital Prague 1st School of Medicine Charles University Prague Czech Republic
Klinika angiológie LF UK a NÚSCH Bratislava Slovenská republika
Oddelenie intervenčnej angiológie NÚSCH Bratislava Slovenská republika
Univerzita Karlova 1 lékařská fakulta a Všeobecná fakultní nemocnice Praha 2 interní klinika klinika kardiologie a angiologie
Univerzita Karlova Praha 1 lékařská fakulta 2 interní klinika klinika kardiologie a angiologie VFN