Skalnikova, Helena OR 0000000305915018 Dotaz Zobrazit nápovědu
Ing., CSc. Pracovnice laboratoře biochemie a molekulární biologie zárodečných buněk (Ústav živočišné fyziologie a genetiky, AV ČR). Publikace v oboru.
Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Libechov Czech Republic
Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics AS CR vvi Libechov Czech Republic
Laboratory of Applied Proteome Analyses Research Center PIGMOD Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences Liběchov Czech Republic
Laboratory of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Germ Cells Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics v v i AS CR Libechov
Laboratory of proteomics Institute of Biochemistry and Experimental Oncology 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Prague Czech Republic
Ústav živočišné fyziologie a genetiky AV ČR Laboratoř aplikovaných proteomových analýz
Ústav živočišné fyziologie a genetiky AV ČR Liběchov