Zlatohlavek, L* Dotaz Zobrazit nápovědu
Narozen 1978 v Lounech. Doc. MUDr., Ph.D., internista, diabetolog, endokrinolog (III. interní klinika - klinika endokrinologie a metabolismu, 1. lékařská fakulta, Univerzita Karlova a Všeobecná fakultní nemocnice, Praha).
3 interní klinika 1 lékařská fakulta UK Praha Všeobecn fakultní nemocnice Praha
3 interní klinika 1 lékařské fakulty UK a VFN Praha
3 interní klinika 1 LF UK a VFN Praha
3 interní klinika Klinika endokrinologie a metabolismu 1 lékařské fakulty Univerzity Karlovy a Všeobecné fakultní nemocnice
3 interní klinika klinika endokrinologie a metabolismu 1 LF UK a VFN Praha
3 interní klinika klinika endokrinologie a metabolizmu 1 LF UK a VFN Praha
3 interní klinika VFN a 1 LF UK Praha
3 interní klinika VFN Praha
3 interní klinika VFN Praha a 1 LF UK
3 interní klinika1 LF UK a VFN Praha
3rd Department of Internal Medicine 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University General University Hospital Prague
3rd Department of Internal Medicine 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Prague Czech Republic
3rd Department of Internal Medicine 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Prague Prague Czech Republic
3rd Department of Internal Medicine Charles University and General Teaching Hospital Prague Czech Republic
3rd Department of Internal Medicine Endocrinology and Metabolism 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University and General University Hospital Prague Czech Republic
3rd Department of Internal Medicine General University Hospital and 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Prague Czech Republic
3rd Dept of Medicine 1st School of Medicine Charles University Prague Czech Republic
3rd Internal Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism Charles University and General University Hospital Prague Czech Republic
Centre for Preventive Cardiology 3rd Department of Internal Medicine 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Prague Czech Republic
Centrum preventivní kardiologie 3 interní klinika 1 LF UK a VFN Praha
Centrum preventivní kardiologie 3 interní klinika klinika endokrinologie a metabolismu 1 LF UK a VFN Praha
Centrum preventivní kardiologie 3 interní klinika VFN a 1 LF UK Praha
Centrum preventivní kardiologie 3 interní kliniky 1 LF UK a VFN Praha
Česká společnost pro aterosklerózu
Institute of Physiology Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Prague Czech Republic
VFN 3 interní klinika Praha