• This record comes from PubMed

První výsledky a zkušenosti s aberometrem iTrace
[First Results and Experience with the iTrace Aberometer]

. 2015 Winter ; 71 (6) : 312-9.

Language Czech Country Czech Republic Media print

Document type Comparative Study, Journal Article


PubMed 26782921
PII: 57175

PURPOSE: To evaluate obtained data by using a relatively novel devices and their results which are important eg. in refractive and cataract surgery. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study included 66 eyes (n = 66). Subjects were represented by 32 women and 1 man whose age was 22.5 years ± 1.2 years (min. 21, max. 26 years) without any signs of potential eye disease. Duration of the study was 3 months. Results were compared with the measurements using the auto-refract-keratro-tono-pachymeter (TRK 1P, Topcon, Japan), Keratograph 5M (Oculus, Germany) and aberrometer iTRACE (Hoya, Japan). RESULTS: After 3 months were statistically compared keratometry values of ​​ corneal anterior surface detected by all devices. They provided to be comparable. Furthermore the values ​​of objective refraction and pachymetry were detected. CONCLUSION: Results of this study show a statistically significant correlation values ​​of objective refraction using devices TRK and iTRACE (r = 0.66 at p = 0.05) and showed a significant relationship between the keratometric data for all the devices. All used methods and devices are possible to reliably and use for valid evaluation parameters of the eye. KEY WORDS: aberrometry, low and high orders abberations, keratometry, topography, pachymetry.

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