COVID-19 Serotherapy [sérologická léčba covidu-19]


Convalescent Plasma Treatment for Covid-19
Convalescent Serum Treatment for Covid-19
Coronavirus Disease 2019 Serotherapy
Coronavirus Disease-19 Serotherapy
COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma Treatment
Covid-19 Convalescent Sera Treatment
COVID-19 Convalescent Serum Treatment
COVID-19 Hyperimmune Globulin Therapy
COVID-19 Serum Therapy
COVID19 Hyperimmune Globulin Therapy
COVID19 Serotherapy
COVID19 Serum Therapy
Hyperimmune Globulin Therapy for COVID-19
SARS-CoV-2 Convalescent Plasma Treatment
SARS-CoV-2 Convalescent Sera Treatment
SARS-CoV-2 Convalescent Serum Treatment


Transfer of blood plasma derived from patients who have recovered from COVID-19 to non-immune hosts.

D000093522 MeSH Browser
History note
2023 (2020)
Public note
2023; COVID-19 SEROTHERAPY was indexed under COVID-19 2020-2022, and IMMUNIZATION, PASSIVE 2020-2022

E Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment
E02 Therapeutics 2 573
E02.095 Biological Therapy 2 926
E02.095.465 Immunomodulation 514
E02.095.465.425 Immunotherapy 3 080
E02.095.465.425.400 Immunization 1 025
E02.095.465.425.400.330 Immunization, Passive 132
E02.095.465.425.400.330.050 Adoptive Transfer 26
E02.095.465.425.400.330.050.200 COVID-19 Serotherapy 4
E02.095.465.425.400.330.050.400 Immunotherapy, Adoptive 163
E05.478.550 Immunization 1 025
E05.478.550.520 Immunization, Passive 132
E05.478.550.520.050 Adoptive Transfer 26
E05.478.550.520.050.200 COVID-19 Serotherapy 4
E05.478.550.520.050.400 Immunotherapy, Adoptive 163