Communicable Disease Control [kontrola infekčních nemocí]

2 258

infekční nemoci - kontrola
kontrola přenosných nemocí
kontrola výskytu parazitů


Flatten the Curve of Epidemic
Flattening the Curve, Communicable Disease Control
Parasite Control

Persistent link

Programs of surveillance designed to prevent the transmission of disease by any means from person to person or from animal to man.

general only: prefer specific disease with /prev; INFECTION CONTROL is also available
D003140 MeSH Browser

N Health Care
N06.850 Public Health 4 034
N06.850.780 Public Health Practice 119
N06.850.780.200 Communicable Disease Control 2 258
N06.850.780.200.112 Animal Culling 3
N06.850.780.200.225 Contact Tracing 55
N06.850.780.200.262 Disease Notification 1 834
N06.850.780.200.300 Fumigation 13
N06.850.780.200.425 Immunization 1 025
N06.850.780.200.450 Infection Control 686
N06.850.780.200.550 Mandatory Testing 53
N06.850.780.200.600 Mass Drug Administration 3
N06.850.780.200.625 Pandemic Preparedness 4
N06.850.780.200.650 Pest Control 138
N06.850.780.200.688 Physical Distancing 3
N06.850.780.200.725 Quarantine 141
N06.850.780.200.800 Sanitation 196
N06.850.780.200.925 Universal Precautions 167
N06.850.780.325 Decontamination 325
N06.850.780.375 Environmental Monitoring 1 542
N06.850.780.500 Mass Screening 4 364
N06.850.780.588 Medical Countermeasures 4
N06.850.780.675 Population Surveillance 381
N06.850.780.680 Primary Prevention 5 304
N06.850.780.715 Quaternary Prevention 5
N06.850.780.750 Secondary Prevention 1 660
N06.850.780.800 Tertiary Prevention 143