Drug Therapy [farmakoterapie]

10 511

terapie léky


Therapy, Drug

Persistent link   https://www.medvik.cz/link/D004358

The use of DRUGS to treat a DISEASE or its symptoms. One example is the use of ANTINEOPLASTIC AGENTS to treat CANCER.

general only: prefer /drug ther with disease term: Manual 19.7+, 19.8.26; note entry term CHEMOTHERAPY: prefer specific chemical or chemical group, e.g., chemotherapy of lymphoma = LYMPHOMA /drug ther + ANTINEOPLASTIC AGENTS /ther use, not DRUG THERAPY
pouze obecné; dej přednost podheslu /farmakoterapie s deskriptorem nemoci; u pojmu CHEMOTERAPIE dej přednost konkrétním chemikáliím nebo skupinám chemikálií, např. chemoterapie lymfomu = LYMFOM /farmakoterapie + ANTITUMORÓZNÍ LÁTKY /terapeutické užití, nikoli FARMAKOTERAPIE
D004358 MeSH Browser

E Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment
E01 Diagnosis 1 788
E02 Therapeutics 2 573
E02.046 Apitherapy 23
E02.056 Balneology 2 337
E02.075 Bed Rest 28
E02.095 Biological Therapy 2 926
E02.148 Catheterization 1 084
E02.154 Cautery 41
E02.168 Chronotherapy 41
E02.175 Climatotherapy 81
E02.258 Cryotherapy 329
E02.278 Decompression 51
E02.309 Drainage 1 018
E02.319 Drug Therapy 10 511
E02.319.155 Chelation Therapy 101
E02.319.162 Chemoprevention 529
E02.319.164 Chemoradiotherapy 275
E02.319.170 Chemotherapy, Adjuvant 1 953
E02.319.243 Deprescriptions 25
E02.319.300 Drug Delivery Systems 693
E02.319.307 Drug Prescriptions 1 791
E02.319.309 Drug Tapering 15
E02.319.310 Drug Therapy, Combination 5 882
E02.319.341 Electrochemotherapy 4
E02.319.347 Enema 67
E02.319.353 Enzyme Therapy 504
E02.319.360 Fluid Therapy 452
E02.319.499 Induction Chemotherapy 197
E02.319.529 Medication Errors 274
E02.319.685 Photochemotherapy 487
E02.319.694 Pleurodesis 48
E02.319.698 Polypharmacy 258
E02.319.703 Premedication 391
E02.319.805 Sclerotherapy 307
E02.319.890 Self Administration 88
E02.319.900 Self Medication 445
E02.319.913 Thrombolytic Therapy 1 452
E02.421 Feeding Methods 372
E02.514 Hemodilution 92
E02.547 Hygiene 3 570
E02.583 Insufflation 65
E02.585 Intubation 147
E02.594 Laser Therapy 1 213
E02.596 Leeching 16
E02.600 Lithotripsy 272
E02.730 Orthoptics 139
E02.745 Pain Management 2 350
E02.760 Patient Care 1 585
E02.774 Phototherapy 715
E02.785 Placebos 598
E02.800 Punctures 362
E02.815 Radiotherapy 2 961
E02.831 Rehabilitation 5 090
E02.849 Rejuvenation 64
E02.887 Retreatment 117
E02.891 Rewarming 39
E02.895 Salvage Therapy 179
E02.900 Self Care 838
E06 Dentistry 1 664