Radio [rozhlas]

Persistent link

The transmission and reception of electric impulses or signals by means of electric waves without a connecting wire, or the use of these waves for the wireless transmission of electric impulses into which sound is converted. (From Webster's 3d)

D011845 MeSH Browser

J Technology, Industry, Agriculture
J01.897 Technology 330
J01.897.280 Educational Technology 197
J01.897.280.500 Audiovisual Aids 113
J01.897.280.500.117 Books, Illustrated 12
J01.897.280.500.269 Exhibitions as Topic 27
J01.897.280.500.426 Maps as Topic 53
J01.897.280.500.480 Medical Illustration 65
J01.897.280.500.545 Models, Structural 99
J01.897.280.500.598 Motion Pictures 297
J01.897.280.500.633 Multimedia 120
J01.897.280.500.668 Optical Storage Devices 8
J01.897.280.500.739 Radio 43
J01.897.280.500.793 Sound Recordings
J01.897.280.500.846 Tape Recording 42
J01.897.280.500.898 Television 245

L Information Science
L01.462.500 Communications Media 222
L01.462.500.590 Mass Media 136
L01.462.500.590.500 Motion Pictures 297
L01.462.500.590.700 Radio 43
L01.462.500.590.875 Television 245
L01.462.500.820 Teaching Materials 158
L01.462.500.820.090 Audiovisual Aids 113
L01.462.500.820.090.269 Exhibitions as Topic 27
L01.462.500.820.090.426 Maps as Topic 53
L01.462.500.820.090.480 Medical Illustration 65
L01.462.500.820.090.545 Models, Structural 99
L01.462.500.820.090.598 Motion Pictures 297
L01.462.500.820.090.615 MP3-Player
L01.462.500.820.090.633 Multimedia 120
L01.462.500.820.090.668 Optical Storage Devices 8
L01.462.500.820.090.703 Posters as Topic 8
L01.462.500.820.090.739 Radio 43
L01.462.500.820.090.793 Sound Recordings
L01.462.500.820.090.846 Tape Recording 42
L01.462.500.820.090.898 Television 245
L01.462.500.847 Telecommunications 182
L01.462.500.847.125 Digital Health 8
L01.462.500.847.249 Electronic Mail 47
L01.462.500.847.500 Radar 13
L01.462.500.847.514 Radio 43
L01.462.500.847.550 Satellite Communications 11
L01.462.500.847.606 Telefacsimile
L01.462.500.847.652 Telemedicine 883
L01.462.500.847.675 Telemetry 219
L01.462.500.847.698 Telephone 150
L01.462.500.847.823 Television 245
L01.462.500.847.900 Videoconferencing 48
L01.462.500.847.950 Wireless Technology 27