Moving and Lifting Patients [zvedání a polohování pacientů]


handling s pacientem
manipulace s pacientem
pacienti - manipulace
pacienti - polohování a zvedání
změna polohy pacienta
změna pozice pacienta
zvedání pacienta


Patient Handling
Patient Lifting
Patient Moving
Patient Moving and Lifting
Patient Repositioning

Persistent link

Moving or repositioning patients within their beds, from bed to bed, bed to chair, or otherwise from one posture or surface to another.

do not confuse with PATIENT TRANSFER (interfacility or intrahospital transfer for administrative reasons with regard to special care or economics) or with TRANSPORTATION OF PATIENTS or with PATIENT POSITIONING
nepleť s deskriptorem PŘEMÍSTĚNÍ PACIENTŮ (přesun mezi zařízeními nebo uvnitř nemocnice z administrativních důvodů s ohledem na zvláštní péči nebo hospodaření) nebo s deskriptory TRANSPORT PACIENTŮ a POLOHOVÁNÍ PACIENTA
D055805 MeSH Browser
History note
Public note

N Health Care
N02.421 Health Services 1 181
N02.421.585 Patient Care 1 585
N02.421.585.106 Ambulatory Care 2 582
N02.421.585.169 Continuity of Patient Care 116
N02.421.585.190 Critical Care 3 549
N02.421.585.215 Custodial Care 45
N02.421.585.246 Day Care, Medical 125
N02.421.585.263 Delayed Diagnosis 166
N02.421.585.287 Duration of Therapy 15
N02.421.585.294 Emergency Room Visits
N02.421.585.300 Episode of Care 6
N02.421.585.352 Foster Home Care 328
N02.421.585.400 Hospitalization 2 714
N02.421.585.415 Institutionalization 166
N02.421.585.440 Life Support Care 444
N02.421.585.476 Long-Term Care 1 004
N02.421.585.525 Moving and Lifting Patients 105
N02.421.585.564 Night Care 10
N02.421.585.666 Palliative Care 2 851
N02.421.585.683 Patient Comfort 9
N02.421.585.700 Patient Positioning 202
N02.421.585.703 Perinatal Care 337
N02.421.585.722 Perioperative Care 1 062
N02.421.585.753 Perioperative Period 178
N02.421.585.775 Preconception Care 107
N02.421.585.786 Prenatal Care 785
N02.421.585.850 Subacute Care 10
N02.421.585.905 Terminal Care 1 437
N02.421.585.928 Time-to-Treatment 108
N02.421.585.940 Transitional Care
N02.421.585.952 Withholding Treatment 236