adverse effects [škodlivé účinky]
- Terms
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side effects
Used with drugs, chemicals, or biological agents in accepted dosage - or with physical agents or manufactured products in normal usage - when intended for diagnostic, therapeutic, prophylactic, or anesthetic purposes. It is used also for adverse effects or complications of diagnostic, therapeutic, prophylactic, anesthetic, surgical, or other procedures.
- Annotation
- subheading only; see also /poisoning & /toxicity
- pouze podheslo; viz též /otrava a /toxicita.
- Abbreviation
- AE
- Q000009 MeSH Browser
- M0030213
- History note
- 66; used with Category D, E & H 1966-69; D, E, H & J 1970-74; D, E, F4, H & J 1975-81; D, E, F4, G3, H & J 1982-87; D, E, F4, H, J, & SMOKING 1988; D, E, F4, H, J, & 1982-87; D, E, F4, H, J & SMOKING 1988; D, E, F4, H, J & SMOKING+ 1989; D, E & J 1990 forward
- Online note
- search policy: Online Manual; use: main heading/AE or AE (SH) or SUBS APPLY AE