drug effects [účinky léků]
- Terms
effect of drugs
pharmacologic effects
Persistent link
Used with organs, regions, tissues, or organisms and physiological and psychological processes for the effects of drugs and chemicals.
- Annotation
- subhead only; for effect of exogenously administered drugs & chemicals; includes their mechanism of action; see MeSH scope note in Introduction; indexing policy: Manual 19.8.25; DF: /drug eff or /DE
- pouze podheslo; užij pro účinky exogenně podávaných léků a chemikálií; zahrnuje jejich mechanismus účinku
- Abbreviation
- DE
- Q000187 MeSH Browser
- M0030371
- History note
- 66; used with Category A, B & G 1966; A, B, F & G 1967-74; A, B, F1-2 & G4-11 1975-81; A, B1, B3-6, F1-2 & G4-11 1982; A, B1, B3-6, F1-2 & G4-12 1983-86; A, B1, B3-6, F1-2, G4-12, BLOOD PROTEINS+, DNA+ & RNA+ 1987-88; A, B1, B3-6, F1-2, G4-12, BLOOD PROTEINS+ & NUCLEIC ACIDS+ 1989; A2-16, B1, B3-6, D12 & G4-12 1990 forward
- Online note
- search policy: Online Manual; use: main heading/DE or DE (SH) or SUBS APPLY DE
Subheadings (qualifiers)