genetics [genetika]
- Terms
Persistent link
Used for mechanisms of heredity and the genetics of organisms, for the genetic basis of normal and pathologic states, and for the genetic aspects of endogenous chemicals. It includes biochemical and molecular influence on genetic material.
- Annotation
- subhead only; includes "heredity"; with organisms for genetic discussions; with diseases for the genetic basis & means of inheritance; with endogenous chemicals only for their genetic aspects; indexing policy: Manual 19.8.34; DF: /genet or /GE
- pouze podheslo; zahrnuje dědičnost; užij s organismy pro otázky genetiky; užij u nemocí pro jejich genetický základ a význam dědičnosti; u endogenních látek užij pouze v případě genetických hledisek
- Abbreviation
- GE
- Q000235 MeSH Browser
- M0030426
- History note
- 78; /familial & genetic was subheading 1966-88; used with Category B, D6, D8-13 & D24 1978-86; B, D6, D8-13, D24, AGING, CLIMACTERIC+, DRUG RESISTANCE+, PIGMENTATION+ & PUBERTY+ 1987-88; B, C, D6, D8-13, D24, F3, AGING, CLIMACTERIC+, DRUG RESISTANCE+, ETHNIC GROUPS+, PIGMENTATION+, PUBERTY+ & RACIAL STOCKS+ 1989; B, C, D8-9, D11-13, D24, F3 & G4-12 1990 forward
- Online note
- search policy: Online Manual; use: main heading/GE or GE (SH) or SUBS APPLY GE; use /genetics to search /familial & genetic back thru 1966
Subheadings (qualifiers)