pharmacology [farmakologie]
- Terms
farmakologický účinek
mechanism of action
mode of action
pharmacologic action
Used with drugs and exogenously administered chemical substances for their effects on living tissues and organisms. It includes acceleration and inhibition of physiological and biochemical processes and other pharmacologic mechanisms of action.
- Annotation
- subhead only; with exogenous chemicals only; includes "effect", "mechanism of action", "mode of action"; not for pharmacokinetics ( = /pharmacokinetics); see also /adverse effects, /poisoning & /toxicity; see MeSH scope note in Introduction; indexing policy: Manual 19.8.54; DF: /pharmacol or /PD
- pouze podheslo; pouze s exogenními chemickými látkami; zahrnuje účinky, mechanismus působení, způsob působení; ne pro farmakokinetiku ( = /farmakokinetika); viz také /škodlivé účinky, /otrava a /toxicita
- Abbreviation
- PD
- Q000494 MeSH Browser
- M0030702
- History note
- 88; was /pharmacodynamics 1966-87; used with Category D 1966 forward
- Online note
- search policy: Online Manual; use: main heading/PD or PD (SH) or SUBS APPLY PD; use /pharmacology or /PD to search /pharmacodynamics back thru 1966