standards [normy]
- Terms
Used with facilities, personnel, and program headings for the development, testing, and application of standards of adequacy or acceptable performance and with chemicals and drugs for standards of identification, quality, and potency. It includes health or safety standards in industries and occupations.
- Annotation
- subhead only; for standards in testing & performance of programs & procedures; with drugs for standards in assay techniques, quality & potency; see MeSH scope note in Introduction; indexing policy: Manual 19.8.67; DF: /stand or /ST CATALOG: may be subdivided geographically
- pouze podheslo; pro normy při testování a provádění programů a postupů; u léků pro normy zkoušek, kvality a účinnosti
- Abbreviation
- ST
- Q000592 MeSH Browser
- M0030789
- History note
- 68; used with Category D, E, H-J, L & N 1968; D-F, H-J, L & N 1969-74; D, E, F4, G1-3, H-J, L & N 1975-89; D, E, F4, G1-2, I2-3, J & N2 1990 forward
- Online note
- search policy: Online Manual; use: main heading/ST or ST (SH) or SUBS APPLY ST