terapie [therapy]
- Termíny
management nemoci
disease management
Užij u nemocí pro léčení. Užívá se i u článků o kombinované terapii. Nepatří sem farmakoterapie, dietoterapie, radioterapie a chirurgie, zde užij stejně znějící podhesla.
Used with diseases for therapeutic interventions except drug therapy, diet therapy, radiotherapy, and surgery, for which specific subheadings exist. The concept is also used for articles and books dealing with multiple therapies.
- Anotace
- subhead only; for general or unspecified therapy & multiple therapies; for tissue therapy & therapy with biological products; not for drug therapy ( =/drug therapy), nor for diet therapy ( = /diet therapy), nor for surgical therapy ( = /surgery), nor for radiotherapy ( = /radiotherapy), nor for rehabilitative therapy ( = /rehabilitation); indexing policy: Manual 19.8.72; DF: /ther or /TH
- pouze podheslo; pro celkovou nebo nespecifickou terapii a mnohočetné terapie; pro tkáňovou terapii a terapii přírodními produkty;
- Zkratka
- TH
- Q000628 MeSH Prohlížeč
- M0030821
- Historická pozn.
- 66; used with Category C & F 1966-74; C & F3 1975-87; C, F3 & SMOKING 1988; C, F3 & SMOKING+ 1989; C & F3 1990 forward
- Online pozn.
- search policy: Online Manual; use: main heading/TH or TH (SH) or SUBS APPLY TH