toxicity [toxicita]
- Terms
míra toxicity
toxický potenciál
margin of safety
toxic potential
Used with drugs and chemicals for experimental human and animal studies of their ill effects. It includes studies to determine the margin of safety or the reactions accompanying administration at various dose levels. It is used also for exposure to environmental agents. Poisoning should be considered for life-threatening exposure to environmental agents.
- Annotation
- subheading only; for experimental human & animal studies; includes margin of safety & experimental exposure to environmental agents; see also /adverse effects & /poisoning
- pouze podheslo; pro experimentální studie na lidech a zvířatech; zahrnuje míru bezpečnosti a experimentální expozici látkám prostředí; viz také /škodlivé účinky/otrava
- Abbreviation
- TO
- Q000633 MeSH Browser
- M0030825
- History note
- 66; used with Category D 1966-67; D & J 1968 forward
- Online note
- search policy: Online Manual; use: main heading/TO or TO (SH) or SUBS APPLY TO