statistics & numerical data [statistika a číselné údaje]
- Terms
číselné údaje
numerical data
statistics and numerical data
Used with non-disease headings for the expression of numerical values that describe particular sets or groups of data. It includes level of use of equipment and supplies, facilities and services and procedures and techniques. It excludes supply or demand for which "supply & distribution" is used
- Annotation
- subheading only; for statistics on non-disease headings only (statistics on diseases = /epidemiology); not for "statistics on supply & demand" ( = /supply & distribution)
- pouze podheslo; jen pro statistiku u deskriptorů, které neoznačují nemoci (statistika u nemocí = /epidemiologie); nikoli pro statistiku nabídky a poptávky (= / zásobování a distribuce)
- Abbreviation
- SN
- Q000706 MeSH Browser
- M0030890
- History note
- 89; used with Category E, F1-2, F4, G1-3 & H-N 1989; E, F4, G1-2, I, J, M & N2-4 1990 forward
- Online note
- search policy: Online Manual; main heading/SN or SN (SH) or SUBS APPLY SN