Children with disabilities engage less in physical activity and sports during their spare time compared to their peers without disabilities. Modern sports, contextual factors, and parents' fear of discrimination have been discussed as barriers to participation. The aim of this study is to describe parents' experiences of their child with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD) participating in a PAP intervention. The intervention involved a Child and Adolescent Psychiatry outpatient clinic (CAP), the Regional Sport Federation, and local sport clubs in the southwestern region of Sweden. A sample of 13 parents took part in semi-structured interviews, and qualitative content analysis was used for data analysis. The analysis resulted in three main categories, including sub-categories. By being part of a collaboration, the parents experienced two different worlds coming together, the CAP and the sport world, and they were also aware of the collaboration's organisation and need for resources. In growing with sports, the parents described that treating the children with respect involved learning sports from the child's condition and creating a social space for them. Regarding individual motivation for participating in sports, the parents expressed that the children felt proud to be part of the PAP intervention and experienced a sense of belonging in the group with the other children. The study highlights perspectives for developing sports for all in local sport clubs and improving sports as part of the CAP care for children with NDD.
- MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- neurovývojové poruchy * rehabilitace MeSH
- pohybová aktivita MeSH
- postižené děti * psychologie rehabilitace MeSH
- rodiče MeSH
- rozhovory jako téma MeSH
- sport pro děti a mládež MeSH
- sporty pro handicapované MeSH
- zapojení do společnosti MeSH
- zapojení pacienta MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé MeSH
Vertical jump (VJ) capacity is a common assessment for monitoring athletes' neuromuscular function and has been proposed as a differentiating indicator between competitive levels of football players. This study aimed to compare the VJ capacity of Chilean footballers with cerebral palsy (CP) with international and national levels of proficiency, also according to their sport classes (i.e., FT1‒FT3). A total sample of 41 male footballers with CP were divided into international-level (n = 18) and national-level (n = 23) groups. All the participants performed two maximal squat jumps (SJs) and countermovement jumps (CMJs), where the best height obtained was registered. The VJ performance was significantly different between competitive levels, and players at international level had better scores (p < .001) than the national level in SJ (dg = 1.83, large) and CMJ (dg = 2.08, large). Considering the sport classes, significant differences were found in SJ (p = .024) and CMJ (p = .035), in which FT3 players performed higher jumping heights than FT1 players (dg = -.84 to -1.01, large). These results provide a deeper understanding of the differences in the motor impairment-specific performance of para-footballers with CP, where coaches and strength-conditioning professionals should consider VJ assessment for monitoring training and as a component for talent detection in this para-sport.
- MeSH
- fotbal MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- mozková obrna MeSH
- para sportovci MeSH
- sportovní výkon MeSH
- sporty pro handicapované * MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- srovnávací studie MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Chile MeSH
This interpretive study explored participants' perceptions of their child's involvement in Equine-Assisted Activities and Therapies (EAAT). EAAT is implemented with a horse and is based on the notion that interacting with the horse has positive benefits. Such activity is nearly always reported to have positive effects on the child. Few studies have investigated the perceptions of the parents of their children's participation in horseback riding activities. The purpose of this study is to determine how parents and/or guardians perceive how EAAT impacts their young riders, and the epiphanic ways in which the parents view those changes. Seven parents of participating children were purposefully sampled. Riders included five girls (5-10 years old) and six boys (6-16 years old) with cognitive and/or emotional disabilities including Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down syndrome, and more. Findings were analyzed through an interpretive lens of epiphany. Participants spoke of the positive ways in which they and their children were accepted, and discussed improvements in children's strength, social development, and specific individual needs. Parents' views of the impact on their children are essential to improving service and advocacy for their children.
- MeSH
- dětská psychologie MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- postižené děti psychologie rehabilitace MeSH
- postojová analýza MeSH
- rodiče * psychologie MeSH
- sociální percepce MeSH
- spokojenost pacientů MeSH
- sport pro děti a mládež MeSH
- sporty pro handicapované MeSH
- terapie využívající koní * MeSH
- výsledek terapie MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
Sportovní příležitosti zaměřené na sportovce s mentálním postižením procházejí vývojem. Sportovní příprava osob s mentálním postižením má svá specifika. V mnoha případech je vyžadován speciální přístup, asistence a podpora. Existuje mnoho případů, kdy se jeden z rodičů nebo dokonce oba stanou trenéry nebo doprovází své dítě s postižením na sportovní akci. Vzniká tak prostor nejen pro potřebnou podporu, poznání, rozvoj, ale i výjimečné chvíle společných zážitků. Cílem této studie bylo zjistit názory a přínos sportu z pohledu rodičů. Zvolenou metodou výzkumu byly rozhovory s rodiči dětí s mentálním postižením. Získané informace byly zdokumentovány, na základě kódování byly vytvořeny kategorie a postupně analyzovány. Výsledky potvrdily přínos sportu pro jedince s mentálním postižením i jejich rodiče. Výzkum popisuje vliv na motivaci, emoční vývoj, samostatnost, seberealizaci a sounáležitost. Velmi důležitá je podpora rodiny, zejména v době inkluze, při hledání sportovních aktivit a cílů rodin dětí s postižením. Pomocnou roli mají školy a kluby, jejich role je menší než v období před inkluzivním vzděláváním
Sports opportunities focused on athletes with intellectual disabilities are undergoing development. The athletic preparation of individuals with intellectual disabilities has its specificities, often requiring a special approach, assistance, and support. In many cases, one or both parents become coaches or accompany their disabled child to sports events. This creates a space not only for necessary support, understanding and development but also for exceptional moments of shared experiences. The aim of this study was to explore the perspectives and benefits of sports from the viewpoint of parents. The chosen research method was interviews with parents of children with intellectual disabilities. The gathered information was documented, categories were created based on coding and they were subsequently analysed. The results confirmed that there are benefits of sports for individuals with intellectual disabilities and their parents. The research describes the impact on motivation, emotional development, independence, self-realization and a sense of belonging. Family support is crucial, especially during inclusive periods, for searching sports activities and goals for families of children with disabilities. Schools and clubs play a supportive role, smaller than in the period before inclusive education.
Increasing the physical activity and sport participation rates of people with disabilities has been one of the most important targets of sport policy both at national and international levels. The purpose of the current investigation was to assess participation in sports or physical activities among Iranian veterans with extremity musculoskeletal disorders. Data were obtained from health needs assessment studies conducted among Iranian veterans with musculoskeletal disorders in a 12-year period between 2005 and 2017. The collected Information on sport or physical activity participation was analyzed using χ2 test, independent t-test, partial correlation coefficient and binary logistic regression (p < 0.05). Studies on 2644 veterans with extremity musculoskeletal disorders indicated that 37.6% (n = 994) of them participated in at least one type of sport or physical activity. The highest percentage of sport participation was 65% in bilateral upper limb amputees. Results from logistic regression analysis indicated that the chance of sport participation decreased with ageing while it increased with "Disability Percentage" assigned by the medical commission of the Veterans and Martyrs Affairs Foundation which is responsible for determining the disability rate of the veterans in Iran. It was observed that veterans with a higher "Disability Percentage" had a higher duration and frequency of sport or physical activity participation. The most popular sports among the subjects were track and field (20.1%, n = 192) and swimming (15.6%, n = 149). Generally, more than a third of the subjects participated in sports or physical activities in total and sport or physical activity participation was greater in the high-level lower extremity amputation group.
- MeSH
- amputovaní MeSH
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- muskuloskeletální nemoci MeSH
- odhad potřeb MeSH
- para sportovci MeSH
- pohybová aktivita * MeSH
- sporty pro handicapované * MeSH
- veteráni váleční MeSH
- zapojení do společnosti MeSH
- zpráva o sobě MeSH
- Check Tag
- dospělí MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Írán MeSH
People with disabilities are less active than people without disabilities, and many do not reach the recommended amount of moderate intensity physical activity. This study aimed to investigate whether people with disabilities who acquired an individually adapted tricycle became more physically active, and to map which factors they reported as important for using their tricycle. People with disabilities applying for an adapted leg-driven tricycle participated in this observational study. ActiGraph GT3x accelerometer was worn for 7 days before and after acquiring the adapted tricycle (pre- and post-test). An open-ended question, in a questionnaire described factors important for tricycle use. Forty-five participants were included, aged 5 to 79 years (Mean = 32.3 years, SD = 22.7) with a large variety of complex disabilities, most with mobility impairments and some with intellectual disability. No significant change in activity level from pre- to post-test was found. However, individual differences were large. Reported reasons for not using the tricycle were bad weather conditions, pain when or after cycling, and insecurity. Reasons for using the tricycle were reported to be increased mobility, joy, and the feeling of freedom. To identify modifiable facilitators and barriers for using an individually adapted tricycle is crucial for regular use.
This study evaluated the influence of acute fatigue on shooting skill performance in goalball penalty shots. Eleven sub-elite male players were evaluated in an official court using a two-dimensional procedure (60 Hz) to compute the mean radial error, bivariate variable error and accuracy, and three-dimensional kinematics (240 Hz) to measure ball velocity. Rating of perceived exertion, blood lactate concentration and knee extension isometric maximal voluntary contractions were assessed at rest and immediately after the completion of an incremental test specific to goalball. Although significant differences were observed for rating of perceived exertion (pre: M = .36 AU, SD = .67; post: M = 9.27 AU, SD = .79), blood lactate concentration (M = 1.33 mM, SD = .51; M = 9.04 mM, SD = 2.25) and peak force (M = 597.85 N, SD = 132.35; M = 513.37 N, SD =107.00) at the end of the incremental test, no differences were identified in the pre and post moments for mean radial error (M = .10 m, SD = 1.01; M =.37 m, SD = 2.19), bivariate variable error (M = 3.56 m, SD = .70; M = 3.25 m, SD = .70), accuracy (M = 3.68 m, SD = .74; M = 3.78 m, SD = 1.13) and ball velocity (M = 18.53 m.s-1, SD = 1.53; M =18.46 m.s-1, SD = 1.65). We concluded that even though significant levels of fatigability can be attributed to the incremental test specific to goalball, shooting skill performance in goalball penalty shots does not appear to be affected. However, further investigations are needed so that goalball coaches can develop strategies that contribute to improve performance in this technical action. Such improvements are decisive for the outcome of a match.
- MeSH
- biomechanika MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- para sportovci MeSH
- sportovní výkon * MeSH
- sporty pro handicapované * MeSH
- únava MeSH
- zrakově postižení MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- mužské pohlaví MeSH
- Publikační typ
- hodnotící studie MeSH
The key aim of classification in Para sport is to try and ensure that competitors are grouped so that they compete against others with impairments that cause a similar level of activity limitation within a specific sport. This synthesis aimed to identify existing, valid, and reliable, impairment assessment tools to measure eligible impairments that influence an individual's ability to compete at Para dressage. A multi-stage approach was employed, where a systematic search of professional databases of impairment assessment tools first identified 35 tools for Para dressage. Then, a search strategy was developed, based on these 35 tools, and 305 scientific articles were identified from academic databases up to September 2021. From here, impairment assessment tools were evaluated and refined in a two-stage process using known performance determinants for Para dressage and then an assessment of their reliability, validity and practical usability. This resulted in the selection of impairment assessment tools, which included measures of muscle tone, strength, coordination, sitting balance, and trunk function. From this synthesis, we present a novel process by which impairment assessment tools were selected, refined, and critically examined using knowledge of performance determinants for dressage, the views and experiences of stakeholders, and reliability and validity of tools. The processes described here could be applied to the development of evidence-based classification systems across a range of Para sports.
- MeSH
- koně MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- para sportovci * MeSH
- psychometrie * metody MeSH
- reprodukovatelnost výsledků MeSH
- sportovní výkon MeSH
- sporty pro handicapované MeSH
- zátěžový test MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Publikační typ
- hodnotící studie MeSH
Long jump has been extensively used in the investigation of perception-action coupling. The restraints imposed by the tasks nested at the take-off board compel skilled long jumpers to adjust the length of the final 4-5 steps of the run-up based on visual input informing about time-to-arrival. This exploratory study examined the visual regulation parameters in athletes with intellectual impairment (II) during the approach of the long jump. The approach run of 10 elite level T20 Class long jumpers (IIJ) and 10 international level long jumpers without II (NIJ) was recorded during competition. An initial ascending variability of foot placement was observed for both groups, followed by a descending one in the late phase of the approach. The parameters associated with the onset of visual control for IIJ were found to be not statistically significantly different to those of NIJ. The mean maximum toe-board distance variability was 0.38 m and 0.27 m for IIJ and NIJ, respectively. The onset of regulation commenced at the fifth- and third-to-last step for IIJ and NIJ, respectively. The finding that IIJ adjust the last steps of the run-up with sufficient accuracy suggests the presence of visual control. This information can be used to optimize long jump approach run training for athletes with II.
This aim of this article is to describe up-to-date polices and main classification issues in Paralympic sport with focus on Paralympic swimming. Using narrative review, it determines the influence of recent classification changes by reviewing available research data on how the classification system works and what direction it has taken after January 2018 when the new Classification Manual for swimming was published. It analyzes those changes in Czech Para Swimming Team during 4-year-period leading up to Tokyo Paralympic Games 2020 including 3 major swimming competetions and Paralympic Games itself. The results show the changes directly influenced the performance of Czech para swimmers in mentioned major competetions in a positive way. Czech Para Swimming Team added two more medals and gained more spots for both men and women for Tokyo Paralympic Games 2020 effectively extending relatively small Czech Paralympic Team in Tokyo.
- Klíčová slova
- Paraolympijské hry,
- MeSH
- lidé MeSH
- para sportovci * klasifikace MeSH
- plavání MeSH
- sporty pro handicapované MeSH
- Check Tag
- lidé MeSH
- Geografické názvy
- Česká republika MeSH