Cíl: Výzkumné zamerení dentální cásti Centra biomedicínské informatiky je zamereno na vývoj elektronické zdravotnické dokumentace (EHR) pro stomatologii. Úvod: Nejdríve byl zkonstruován elektronický zubní kríž DentCross, který graficky reprezentuje stomatologická data pacienta. Doplnen byl o hlasové ovládání systémem Automatic speech recognition (ASR) a modul pro syntézu hlasu (TTS). Metody: Cílem práce bylo i dosáhnout co nejvetší komplexnosti systému a jeho jistou automatizaci. Z tohoto duvodu byl doplnen o speciální záznamové medium pro onemocnení temporomandibulárního kloubu (TMD). Výsledky: Po zkušenostech se starší verzí byla znalostní báze (KB) pro TMD jinak strukturována. Bylo použito klasifikacní diagnostické schéma dle American Academy of Orofacial Pain (AAOP). KB byla vytvorena v aplikaci MUDR KB Editor. Na techto základech byla vytvorena relacní databáze a samotná uživatelská záznamová aplikace v programech MUDR EHR a MUDRLite. Záver: Hlavní výhodou je ovšem stanovení pravdepodobné diagnózy onemocnení (AAOP delení) systémem (tzv. „custom“ komponentou) na základe typických dat zaznamenaných do elektronického formuláre pri vyšetrení. Pro realizaci samotné komponenty byl použit vývojový nástroj MS Visual Studio.NET 2003. Komponenta je naprogramovaná v jazyku C].
Background: The research goal of the Dental segment of the Centre of Biomedical Informatics is focused on the electronic health record (EHR) development for dentistry. Objectives: At the beginning there has been constructed an electronic dental cross "DentCross", which was representing patients dental data in the graphical form. It has been completed with the system of the automatic speech recognition (ASR) and voice synthesis module (TTS). Methods: The main goal of this work was to reach the high entirety of the system and its automatization. For this reason it has been completed with the special record medium for the temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Results: Concerning the experience with the old version the knowledge database (KB) for TMD has been structured differently. A classification diagnostic schema by the American Academy of Orofacial Pain (AAOP) has been used. The KB has been created in the MUDR KB Editor application. On this basis a relational database has been constructed and a user interface for data collection based on MUDR and MUDRLite EHR systems was developed. Conclusions: The main advantage of this system is determination of probable diagnosis of the disease (AAOP) by the system ("custom" component). It is based on the characteristic data, which have been recorded in the electronic form after the investigation. For the creation of the component of its alone MS Visual Studio.NET 2003 development tool has been used. The whole component is programmed in C] language.
- Keywords
- poruchy temporomandibulárního kloubu, DentCross, elektronická zdravotnická dokumentace, klasifikace AAOP, MUDR EHR, MUDRLite, MUDR KB Editor,
- MeSH
- Medical Records Systems, Computerized statistics & numerical data trends utilization MeSH
- Electronic Health Records statistics & numerical data trends utilization MeSH
- Financing, Organized MeSH
- Forms and Records Control methods statistics & numerical data utilization MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Oral Medicine methods statistics & numerical data trends MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
Cíl: Vytvořit podporu pro vkládání strukturovaných dat do elektronické zdravotnické dokumentace u poruch temporomandibulárního kloubu. Metody: Jsou popsány metody stukturování dat ve stomatologii a je představena interaktivní DentCross komponenta. Na několika případech je demonstrováno hlasem ovládané vkládání strukturovaných dat do zdravotnické dokumentace ve stomatologii. Dále je vysvětleno propojení této komponenty s elektronickým zdravotním záznamem MUDRLite. Výsledky: Představujeme použití aplikace DentVoice složené z elektronického zdravotnického záznamu MUDRLite a hlasem kontrolované interaktivní komponenty DentCross ke sběru stomatologických informací nutných pro léčbu poruch temporomandibulárního kloubu. Závěry: Aplikace DentVoice s komponentou DentCross prokázala praktické využití pro podporu léčení temporomandibulárních poruch.
Objectives: To identify support of structured data entry for an electronic health record application in temporomandibular joint disorders. Methods: The methods of structuring information in dentistry are described and the interactive DentCross component is introduced. A system of structured voice-supported data entry in electronic health record on several real cases in the field of dentistry is performed. The connection of this component to the MUDRLite electronic health record is described. Results: The use of DentVoice, an application which consists of the electronic health record MUDRLite and the voice-controlled interactive component DentCross, to collect dental information required by temporomandibular joint disorders is shown. Conclusions: The DentVoice application with the DentCross component showed the practical ability of the temporomandibular joint disorder treatment support.
- Keywords
- ukládání strukturovaných dat,
- MeSH
- Medical Records Systems, Computerized MeSH
- Financing, Organized MeSH
- Information Systems standards MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Temporomandibular Joint Disorders therapy MeSH
- Speech Recognition Software MeSH
- Oral Medicine MeSH
- Decision Support Systems, Clinical MeSH
- Information Storage and Retrieval methods standards MeSH
- Dentistry MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Case Reports MeSH
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH
Naše experimentální práce se věnuje tvorbě nového typu elektronické zdravotnické dokumentace (EHR) pro oblast stomatologie, obzvláště pro poruchy temporomandibulárního kloubu (TMD) a hlavním cílem je vytvoření komplexního systému, který by byl dobrým základem pro podporu rozhodování v terapii TMD. Náš EHR systém je založen na Stomatologické znalostní bázi, která je vytvořená v aplikaci MUDR (Multimedia distribuující EHR) a potom také v MUDRLite aplikaci. Architektura MUDRLite je postavena na dvou vrstvách (relační databáze (např. MS SQL server) a uživatelské vrstvě (MUDRLite UI), která je popsána v XML konfigurační složce). Tyto aplikace tvoří reálnou grafickou uživatelskou aplikaci DentCross, která je propojena s ASR (Automatic speech recognition) systémem a TTS (Text-to-speech) modulem. Speciální TMD EHR je částí DentCross a je vytvořena ve stejných aplikacích. Celá tato část využívá klasifikaci RCD/TMD (Research diagnostic kriteria for TMD). Integrovaný Dental-TMJ EHR systém umožňuje záznam komplexních zdravotnických dat pacienta ve stomatologii. Postihuje celý ortognátní systém s jeho všemi složkami (především TMD problematika) v grafické podobě. Záznam a manipulaci s daty zjednodušuje ASR systém a TTS modul. Tato aplikace byla navržena s důrazem na jednoduchost ovládání a schopnost zaznamenat úplnou informaci a měla by pomoci při rozhodování o terapii TMD. Náš Integrated Dental-TMJ systém reprezentuje celou stomatologickou informaci pacienta, která je podstatná pro tvorbu léčebného plánu. Spojení s ASR systémem a TTS modulem zjednodušuje sběr těchto informací. Informace jsou také přehledně uspořádané v grafické formě. Dalším krokem bude pokračování v klinickém testování celého systému a vylepšení ASR systému a TTS modulu. Nevýhodou systému může být nutná zkušenost s ovládáním této aplikace a fungování ASR systému ve velmi hlučném prostředí.
Our experimental work is engaged in creating a new type of Electronic Health Record (EHR) in the field of dentistry, especially for temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders (TMD) and the main goal is creation of the comprehensive system, which would be a good basis for the decision support in the TMD therapy. Our EHR system is based on the Dental knowledge base, which is constructed in the application MUDR (Multimedia Distributed EHR) and then in the MUDRLite application. The MUDRLite architecture is built on two tiers (relational database (e.g. MS SQL server) and User Interface layer (MUDRLite UI), which is described by an XML configuration file). These applications are creating the real graphical user application DentCross, which is connected with the ASR (Automatic speech recognition) system and TTS (Text-to-speech) module. Special TMD EHR is a part of the DentCross and is created in the same applications. This part uses the RCD/TMD classification (Research diagnostic criteria for TMD). We present the Integrated Dental-TMJ EHR system, which allows recording patient’s complex medical data in the field of dentistry. It affects the whole orthognathic system with its all components (especially TMD problematic) in the graphical form. The recording and data manipulation are enhanced with the ASR system and TTS module. This application has been constructed with an aim on ease of control and capability of covering medical information and should facilitate decision process in the therapy of TMD. The integrated Dental-TMJ EHR system represents whole patient’s dental information, which is essential for the treatment plan creation. Connection with the ASR system and TTS module simplifies collecting of this information. Information is also well-arranged in the graphical form. Next step is continuation of clinical testing of the whole system and improvement of the ASR system and TTS module. The disadvantage of this system could be necessity of experience in operating with this system and ASR system functionality in the noisy background.
- Keywords
- automatické rozpoznávání řeči, zubní kříž, poruchy temporomandibulárního kloubu, strukturovaný záznam dat, datový model, text-to-speech modul, Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD,
- MeSH
- Medical Records Systems, Computerized utilization MeSH
- Financing, Organized MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Software Design MeSH
- Temporomandibular Joint Disorders diagnosis therapy MeSH
- Computer Systems MeSH
- Speech Recognition Software trends utilization MeSH
- Oral Medicine instrumentation MeSH
- Medical Order Entry Systems MeSH
- Decision Support Systems, Clinical utilization MeSH
- User-Computer Interface MeSH
- Medical Informatics Applications MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
OBJECTIVES: To identify support of structured data entry for an electronic health record application in temporomandibular joint disorders. METHODS: The methods of structuring information in dentistry are described and the interactive DentCross component is introduced. A system of structured voice-supported data entry in electronic health record on several real cases in the field of dentistry is performed. The connection of this component to the MUDRLite electronic health record is described. RESULTS: The use of DentVoice, an application which consists of the electronic health record MUDRLite and the voice-controlled interactive component DentCross, to collect dental information required by temporomandibular joint disorders is shown. CONCLUSIONS: The DentVoice application with the DentCross component showed the practical ability of the temporomandibular joint disorder treatment support.
OBJECTIVES: To identify support of structured data entry for electronic health record application in forensic dentistry. METHODS: The methods of structuring information in dentistry are described and validation of structured data entry in electronic health records for forensic dentistry is performed on several real cases with the interactive DentCross component. The connection of this component to MUDR and MUDRLite electronic health records is described. RESULTS: The use of the electronic health record MUDRLite and the interactive DentCross component to collect dental information required by standardized Disaster Victim Identification Form by Interpol for possible victim identification is shown. CONCLUSIONS: The analysis of structured data entry for dentistry using the DentCross component connected to an electronic health record showed the practical ability of the DentCross component to deliver a real service to dental care and the ability to support the identification of a person in forensic dentistry.
- MeSH
- Algorithms MeSH
- Medical Records Systems, Computerized organization & administration MeSH
- Financing, Organized MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Multimedia MeSH
- Computer Systems MeSH
- Access to Information MeSH
- Forensic Dentistry organization & administration MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Geographicals
- Czech Republic MeSH
The EuroMISE Center focuses on new approaches in the field of electronic health record (EHR). Among others, the structured health documentation in dentistry in the form of an EHR is being systematically studied. This paper describes the evolution of the EHR developed at the EuroMISE Center named MUDRLite and its graphical component for dentists called DentCross. The summary of features of the DentCross component is followed by a brief description of automatic speech recognition and an ASR module. The problems with data insertion into EHR during examination of a dental patient lead to further research in the area of the automatic speech recognition in medical practice. Cooperation of engineers, informaticians and dental physicians resulted in an application called DentVoice which is a successful application of the ASR module and the DentCross component of the MUDRLite EHR. The junction of voice control and graphical representation of dental arch makes hand-busy activities in dental praxis easier, quicker and more comfortable. This will result in a better quality of the data stored in a structured form in dental EHR, thus enabling better decision making and use of decision support systems.
Elektronický zubní kříž vychází z techniky softwarového a datového inženýrství aplikovaného do oblasti tvorby informačních systémů ve stomatologii. Inovační technologie umožňuje přehledné uchovávání, zadávání a vyhodnocování podrobných informací o stavu chrupu pacienta s detaily zaznamenanými o každém jednotlivém zubu. Technologie může být s výhodou využita pro tvorbu elektronického zdravotního záznamu, nemocničního či klinického informačního systému.Na kazuistickém sděleních předkládáme aplikace elektronického zubního kříže v praxi.
Many different investments háve gone into hospital information systems worldwide. When those systems are evaluated, most of them do not meet clinicians' needs. To address the shortcomings EuroMISE Centre has developed an electronic health record (EHR) application MUDRLite, which can be customized to needs of a particular health care provider. To address the shortcomings especially in dental medicíně we háve brought together a unique cross-disciplinary collaborative group of computer scientists, statisticians, software developers, and clinicians, from the Department of Medical Informatics, Institute of Computer Science, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and the Department of Prosthodontics of the Charles University in Prague, lst Medical Faculty, to collaborate on research and development with the prevailing goal of providing consistency in electronic recording, archiving, analyzing and disseminating of dental medicíně data. A highly-advanced MUDRLite component implementing the interactive dental cross represents one of the results of the joined effort. The data model of this component originates in a technology called "Dental Medicíně Data Structuring Technology Using a Dental Cross". This technology was enrolled as a patent application form under the No. PV 2005-229. Using the dental cross component a dentist can choose among about 60 different actions, treatment procedu-res or dental parameters that are displayed lucidly on the screen. The components support typical clinical workf-lows including treatment of primary and secondary caries, fillings, pulp pathology etc. It combines a treatment pian with an interactive calendar that enables to schedule patients' visits and treatments. The interactive dental cross analysis was prepared in a form of a čase report. Information record in a graphic structure accelerates dentisťs decision-making and it enables a more complex view while suggesting a treatment pian.
- MeSH
- Medical Records Systems, Computerized MeSH
- Diagnosis, Oral MeSH
- Financing, Government MeSH
- Electronics, Medical methods MeSH
- Humans MeSH
- Software MeSH
- Tooth MeSH
- Check Tag
- Humans MeSH
- Publication type
- Case Reports MeSH