hits in
MD, MPH, PhD, oftalmolog (Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA).
MVDr., PhD. Ústav biologie a chorob volně žijících zvířat FVHE VFU Brno
Friedman: Highly variable patterns of antimicrobial resistance in commensal Escherichia coli isolates from pigs, sympatric rodents, and flies. Microb. Drug Resist., roč. 15, č. 3 (2009), s. 229-237.
MD, psychiatr, pediatr. Publikace z oboru.
Americký lékařský mikrobiolog, imunolog a biochemik.
Friedman, Herman: RNA in the immune response, 1973
LC (Names), cit. 30. 7. 2019
www(Herman Friedman, PhD (August 25, 2007) – The Eastern Pennsylvania Branch of the American Society for Microbiology), cit. 30. 7. 2019
MD, MPH, PhD, oftalmolog (Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA).
Friedman, David S.: New insights on enhancing adherence to topical glaucoma medications, 2009
LC (Names), cit. 12. 3. 2012
www(David S. Friedman, M.D., MPH, Ph.D. - Johns Hopkins Medicine), cit. 12. 3. 2012
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or +
signifies AND operation (intersection)
or |
signifies OR operation (union)
negates a single word
wraps text to signify a phrase
at the end of a term signifies a right-side expansion
and )
signify precedence
after a word signifies edit distance (fuzziness)
after a phrase signifies words distance