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Osteomyelitis lopaty kosti kycelní a traumatická ruptura hydronefroticky zmĕnĕné pravé ledviny imitující obraz akutní apendicitidy
[Osteomyelitis of the ilium and traumatic rupture of a hydronephrotic right kidney imitating acute appendicitis]

. 1993 Apr ; 72 (3) : 116-7.

Language Czech Country Czech Republic Media print

Document type Case Reports, English Abstract, Journal Article


PubMed 8211397

The author describes two case-histories of profoundly different diseases which imitated in a similar way the symptoms of acute appendicitis. In both instances the authors had to operate under pressure of the local finding, although in the case of osteomyelitis of the ilium this diagnosis was contemplated before operation. The author draws attention to some specific features of work in developing countries.

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