• This record comes from PubMed

Diagnostika toxoplazmózy a toxokarózy z moku prednej ocnej komory
[Diagnosis of toxoplasmosis and toxocariasis using fluid from the anterior ocular chamber]

. 2003 Sep ; 59 (5) : 312-8.

Language Slovak Country Czech Republic Media print

Document type English Abstract, Journal Article


PubMed 14518358

The authors discuss methods of improvement of the etiologic diagnosis of the toxoplasma and toxocara associated posterior uveititis, by examining specific antibodies in the aqueous humor. Paired samples of aqueous humor and serum were analyzed in 23 patients. Chorioretinitis of infectious etiology was suspected in 15 patients, 3 patients were treated for panuveitis, 4 patients for intermediate uveitis, and in 1 patient the sample was obtained to rule out malignant melanoma. The local ocular antibody production was calculated according to Desmonts. Toxoplasma etiology was confirmed by local antibody production analysis in 1 patient, toxocara etiology in 5 patients. In 20 patients in the control group local specific antibody production was not demonstrated.

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