• This record comes from PubMed

Corrigendum to "European contribution to the study of ROS: A summary of the findings and prospects for the future from the COST action BM1203 (EU-ROS)" [Redox Biol. 13 (2017) 94-162]

. 2018 Apr ; 14 () : 694-696. [epub] 20171026

Status PubMed-not-MEDLINE Language English Country Netherlands Media print-electronic

Document type Journal Article, Published Erratum

Grant support
RG/13/7/30099 British Heart Foundation - United Kingdom


PubMed 29107648
PubMed Central PMC5975209
DOI 10.1016/j.redox.2017.10.001
PII: S2213-2317(17)30747-4
Knihovny.cz E-resources

A 1 Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences University of Eastern Finland Kuopio Finland

Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute L'Hospitalet Barcelona Spain

Brighton and Sussex Medical School Brighton UK

CBIOS Universidade Lusófona Research Center for Biosciences and Health Technologies Lisboa Portugal

Center for Neurosciences and Cell Biology of the University of Coimbra Coimbra Portugal; Department of Life Sciences of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra Coimbra Portugal

Center for Neurosciences and Cell Biology University of Coimbra and Faculty of Pharmacy University of Coimbra Coimbra Portugal

Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa Madrid Spain

Conway Institute School of Medicine University College Dublin Dublin Ireland

Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University Lviv Ukraine

Departamento de Química e Bioquímica and Centro de Química e Bioquímica Faculdade de Ciências Portugal

Department of Biochemistry Molecular Biology and Biophysics University of Minnesota Twin Cities USA

Department of Biochemistry School of Medicine Marmara University Istanbul Turkey

Department of Biochemistry Science 2 University of Geneva 30 quai Ernest Ansermet 1211 Geneva 4 Switzerland

Department of Bioengineering Cancer Biology Laboratory Faculty of Engineering Ege University Bornova 35100 Izmir Turkey

Department of Biomedical Sciences and CNR Institute of Neuroscience University of Padova Padova Italy

Department of Biomedical Sciences University of Padova via Ugo Bassi 58 b 35131 Padova Italy

Department of Biophysics Ankara University Faculty of Medicine 06100 Ankara Turkey

Department of Medical Biochemistry Faculty of Medicine Akdeniz University Antalya Turkey

Department of Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Palacký University Hnevotinska 3 Olomouc 77515 Czech Republic

Department of Medicine University of Cambridge UK

Department of Molecular Biology University of Bergen Bergen Norway

Department of Molecular Medicine University of Padova Padova Italy

Department of Nephrology and Hypertension University Medical Center Utrecht The Netherlands

Department of Neurology Medical Faculty Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf Germany

Department of Pathology University of Cambridge Cambridge UK

Department of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Faculty of Pharmacy Ege University Bornova Izmir 35100 Turkey

Department of Pharmacology and Personalized Medicine Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht Maastricht University Maastricht The Netherlands

Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy Medical Faculty Semmelweis University Budapest Hungary; Pharmahungary Group Szeged Hungary

Department of Pharmacology Center for Targeted Therapeutics and Translational Nanomedicine ITMAT CTSA Translational Research Center University of Pennsylvania The Perelman School of Medicine Philadelphia PA USA

Department of Pharmacology Johannes Gutenberg University Medical Center Mainz Germany

Department of Physiology 2nd Faculty of Medicine Charles University Prague Czech Republic

Department of Physiology University of Valencia Spain

Department of Plant Systems Biology VIB 9052 Ghent Belgium; Department of Plant Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Ghent University 9052 Ghent Belgium

Department of Plant Systems Biology VIB 9052 Ghent Belgium; Structural Biology Research Center VIB 1050 Brussels Belgium; Department of Biomedical Sciences and CNR Institute of Neuroscience University of Padova Padova Italy; Pharmahungary Group Szeged Hungary

Department of Plant Systems Biology VIB 9052 Ghent Belgium; Structural Biology Research Center VIB 1050 Brussels Belgium; Department of Plant Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Ghent University 9052 Ghent Belgium; Brussels Center for Redox Biology Structural Biology Brussels Vrije Universiteit Brussel 1050 Brussels Belgium

Dept of Pathology and Immunology Centre Médical Universitaire Geneva Switzerland

Experimental and Molecular Pediatric Cardiology German Heart Center Munich at the Technical University Munich Munich Germany

Experimental and Molecular Pediatric Cardiology German Heart Center Munich at the Technical University Munich Munich Germany; DZHK partner site Munich Heart Alliance Munich Germany

Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine and Biocenter Oulu University of Oulu Oulu Finland

Faculty of Medical Sciences Goce Delcev University Stip Republic of Macedonia

Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica del Hospital Universitario de Getafe Getafe Spain

Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica del Hospital Universitario de Getafe Getafe Spain; Servicio de Geriatría Hospital Universitario de Getafe Getafe Spain

German Institute of Human Nutrition Department of Toxicology Arthur Scheunert Allee 114 116 14558 Nuthetal Germany

GETI Institute for Advanced Biosciences INSERM U1029 CNRS UMR 5309 Grenoble Alpes University and Radio analysis Laboratory CHU de Grenoble Grenoble France

Harran University Arts and Science Faculty Department of Biology Cancer Biology Lab Osmanbey Campus Sanliurfa Turkey

Helmholtz Center Munich Institute of Developmental Genetics Neuherberg Germany

Institute for Biology Microbiology Freie Universität Berlin Berlin Germany

Institute for Biomedical Aging Research University of Innsbruck Innsbruck Austria

Institute for Cardiovascular Physiology Goethe University Frankfurt Germany; DZHK partner site Rhine Main Mainz Germany

Institute for Cell and Molecular Biosciences and Institute for Ageing Newcastle University Framlington Place Newcastle upon Tyne UK

Institute for Drug Research Section of Pharmacology Diabetes Research Unit The Hebrew University Faculty of Medicine Jerusalem Israel

Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences University of Glasgow UK

Institute of Microbiology Laboratory of Biotransformation Czech Academy of Sciences Videnska 1083 CZ 142 20 Prague Czech Republic

Institute of Molecular Cell and Systems Biology College of Medical Veterinary and Life Sciences University of Glasgow University Avenue Glasgow UK

Institute of Neuroscience Padova Italy

Institute of Nutrition Department of Nutrigenomics Friedrich Schiller University Jena Germany

Institute of Physiology JLU Giessen Giessen Germany

Institute Teofilo Hernando Department of Pharmacology School of Medicine Univerisdad Autonoma de Madrid Spain

Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío CSIC Universidad de Sevilla Sevilla Spain

Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas Alberto Sols Madrid Spain

Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas Alberto Sols UAM CSIC Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Paz Madrid Spain

Laboratory for Oxidative Stress Rudjer Boskovic Institute Bijenicka 54 10000 Zagreb Croatia

Laboratory of Clinical Pharmacology Rigshospitalet University Hospital Copenhagen Denmark; Department of Clinical Pharmacology Bispebjerg Frederiksberg Hospital University Hospital Copenhagen Denmark; Department Q7642 Rigshospitalet Blegdamsvej 9 DK 2100 Copenhagen Denmark

Laboratory of Pharmacology Faculty of Pharmacy National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Greece

Laboratoty of Pharmacology Faculty of Pharmacy National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Greece

LCBPT UMR 8601 CNRS Paris Descartes University Sorbonne Paris Cité Paris France

LCBPT UMR 8601 CNRS Paris Descartes University Sorbonne Paris Cité Paris France; ESPE of Paris Paris Sorbonne University Paris France

Life and Health Sciences and Aston Research Centre for Healthy Ageing Aston University Aston Triangle Birmingham B4 7ET UK

Life and Health Sciences and Aston Research Centre for Healthy Ageing Aston University Aston Triangle Birmingham B4 7ET UK; Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Surrey Guildford GU2 7XH UK

Medical College of Wisconsin Milwaukee USA

Molecular Cardiology Center for Cardiology Cardiology 1 University Medical Center Mainz Mainz Germany

Molecular Cardiology Center for Cardiology Cardiology 1 University Medical Center Mainz Mainz Germany; DZHK partner site Rhine Main Mainz Germany

Molecular Genetics Thalassaemia Department The Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics Nicosia Cyprus

Molecular technologies laboratory Shemyakin Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Miklukho Maklaya 16 10 Moscow 117997 Russia

National Hellenic Research Foundation Institute of Biology Medicinal Chemistry and Biotechnology 48 Vas Constantinou Ave 116 35 Athens Greece

Oxidative Stress Group Dept Environmental and Occupational Health Florida International University Miami FL 33199 USA

Research Institute for Medicines Faculty of Pharmacy Universidade de Lisboa Lisboa Portugal

Research Institute for Medicines Faculty of Pharmacy Universidade de Lisboa Lisboa Portugal; CBIOS Universidade Lusófona Research Center for Biosciences and Health Technologies Lisboa Portugal

Research Institute for Medicines Faculty of Pharmacy Universidade de Lisboa Lisboa Portugal; Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde Universidade da Beira Interior Covilhã Portugal

Ruđer Bošković Institute Division of Molecular Medicine Zagreb Croatia

School of Biology Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki 54124 Greece

School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science Conway Institute University College Dublin Dublin Ireland

School of Life and Health Sciences Aston University Aston Triangle Birmingham B47ET UK

Servicio de Immunología Hospital Universitario de La Princesa Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Princesa and Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas Alberto Sols Madrid Spain

Servicio de Immunología Hospital Universitario de La Princesa Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Princesa Madrid Spain

Structural Biology Research Center VIB 1050 Brussels Belgium; Brussels Center for Redox Biology Structural Biology Brussels Vrije Universiteit Brussel 1050 Brussels Belgium

The Research Institute of University of Bucharest Bucharest Romania

Université Grenoble Alpes CNRS Grenoble INP CHU Grenoble Alpes TIMC IMAG F38000 Grenoble France; CDiReC Pôle Biologie CHU de Grenoble Grenoble F 38043 France

Université Paris Diderot Sorbonne Paris Cité INSERM U1149 CNRS ERL8252 Centre de Recherche sur l'Inflammation Laboratoire d'Excellence Inflamex Faculté de Médecine Xavier Bichat Paris France

University of Belgrade Faculty of Physical Chemistry Studentski trg 12 16 11000 Belgrade Serbia

University of Belgrade Institute for Biological Research Sinisa Stankovic and Faculty of Biology Belgrade Serbia

University of Exeter Medical School St Luke's Campus Exeter EX1 2LU UK

University of Ljubljana Faculty of Medicine Institute of Pathophysiology and Faculty of Health Sciences Ljubljana Slovenia

Vascular Biology Section and Whitaker Cardiovascular Institute Boston University School of Medicine Boston MA USA

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