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Measurement of differential cross sections and charge ratios for t-channel single top quark production in proton-proton collisions at s = 13 Te
- Sirunyan, A M
- Tumasyan, A
- Adam, W
- Ambrogi, F
- Bergauer, T
- Brandstetter, J
- Dragicevic, M
- Erö, J
- Del Valle, A Escalante
- Flechl, M
- Frühwirth, R
- Jeitler, M
- Krammer, N
- Krätschmer, I
- Liko, D
- Madlener, T
- Mikulec, I
- Rad, N
- Schieck, J
- Schöfbeck, R
- Spanring, M
- Spitzbart, D
- Waltenberger, W
- Wulz, C-E
- Zarucki, M
- Drugakov, V
- Mossolov, V
- Gonzalez, J Suarez
- Darwish, M R
- De Wolf, E A
- Di Croce, D
- Janssen, X
- Lauwers, J
- Lelek, A
- Pieters, M
- Sfar, H Rejeb
- Van Haevermaet, H
- Van Mechelen, P
- Van Putte, S
- Van Remortel, N
- Blekman, F
- Bols, E S
- Chhibra, S S
- D'Hondt, J
- De Clercq, J
- Lontkovskyi, D
- Lowette, S
- Marchesini, I
- Moortgat, S
- Moreels, L
- Python, Q
- Skovpen, K
- Tavernier, S
- Van Doninck, W
- Van Mulders, P
- Van Parijs, I
- Beghin, D
- Bilin, B
- Brun, H
- Clerbaux, B
- De Lentdecker, G
- Delannoy, H
- Dorney, B
- Favart, L
- Grebenyuk, A
- Kalsi, A K
- Luetic, J
- Popov, A
- Postiau, N
- Starling, E
- Thomas, L
- Velde, C Vander
- Vanlaer, P
- Vannerom, D
- Wang, Q
- Cornelis, T
- Dobur, D
- Khvastunov, I
- Roskas, C
- Trocino, D
- Tytgat, M
- Verbeke, W
- Vermassen, B
- Vit, M
- Zaganidis, N
- Bondu, O
- Bruno, G
- Caputo, C
- David, P
- Delaere, C
- Delcourt, M
- Giammanco, A
- Lemaitre, V
- Magitteri, A
- Prisciandaro, J
- Saggio, A
- Marono, M Vidal
- Vischia, P
- Zobec, J
- Alves, F L
- Alves, G A
- Silva, G Correia
- Hensel, C
- Moraes, A
- Teles, P Rebello
- Chagas, E Belchior Batista Das
- Carvalho, W
- Chinellato, J
- Coelho, E
- Da Costa, E M
- Da Silveira, G G
- De Jesus Damiao, D
- De Oliveira Martins, C
- De Souza, S Fonseca
- Guativa, L M Huertas
- Malbouisson, H
- Martins, J
- Figueiredo, D Matos
- Jaime, M Medina
- De Almeida, M Melo
- Herrera, C Mora
- Mundim, L
- Nogima, H
- Da Silva, W L Prado
- Rosas, L J Sanchez
- Santoro, A
- Sznajder, A
- Thiel, M
- Manganote, E J Tonelli
- De Araujo, F Torres Da Silva
- Pereira, A Vilela
- Ahuja, S
- Bernardes, C A
- Calligaris, L
- Tomei, T R Fernandez Perez
- Gregores, E M
- Lemos, D S
- Mercadante, P G
- Novaes, S F
- Padula, SandraS
- Aleksandrov, A
- Antchev, G
- Hadjiiska, R
- Iaydjiev, P
- Marinov, A
- Misheva, M
- Rodozov, M
- Shopova, M
- Sultanov, G
- Bonchev, M
- Dimitrov, A
- Ivanov, T
- Litov, L
- Pavlov, B
- Petkov, P
- Fang, W
- Gao, X
- Yuan, L
- Hu, Z
- Wang, Y
- Ahmad, M
- Chen, G M
- Chen, H S
- Chen, M
- Jiang, C H
- Leggat, D
- Liao, H
- Liu, Z
- Shaheen, S M
- Spiezia, A
- Tao, J
- Yazgan, E
- Zhang, H
- Zhang, S
- Zhao, J
- Agapitos, A
- Ban, Y
- Chen, G
- Levin, A
- Li, J
- Li, L
- Li, Q
- Mao, Y
- Qian, S J
- Wang, D
- Avila, C
- Cabrera, A
- Sierra, L F Chaparro
- Florez, C
- Hernández, C F González
- Delgado, M A Segura
- Guisao, J Mejia
- Alvarez, J D Ruiz
- González, C A Salazar
- Arbelaez, N Vanegas
- Giljanović, D
- Godinovic, N
- Lelas, D
- Puljak, I
- Sculac, T
- Antunovic, Z
- Kovac, M
- Brigljevic, V
- Ceci, S
- Ferencek, D
- Kadija, K
- Mesic, B
- Roguljic, M
- Starodumov, A
- Susa, T
- Ather, M W
- Attikis, A
- Erodotou, E
- Ioannou, A
- Kolosova, M
- Konstantinou, S
- Mavromanolakis, G
- Mousa, J
- Nicolaou, C
- Ptochos, F
- Razis, P A
- Rykaczewski, H
- Tsiakkouri, D
- Finger, M
- Finger, M Jr
- Kveton, A
- Tomsa, J
- Ayala, E
- Jarrin, E Carrera
- Abdalla, H
- Abdelalim, A A
- Bhowmik, S
- De Oliveira, A Carvalho Antunes
- Dewanjee, R K
- Ehataht, K
- Kadastik, M
- Raidal, M
- Veelken, C
- Eerola, P
- Forthomme, L
- Kirschenmann, H
- Osterberg, K
- Voutilainen, M
- Garcia, F
- Havukainen, J
- Heikkilä, J K
- Järvinen, T
- Karimäki, V
- Kinnunen, R
- Lampén, T
- Lassila-Perini, K
- Laurila, S
- Lehti, S
- Lindén, T
- Luukka, P
- Mäenpää, T
- Siikonen, H
- Tuominen, E
- Tuominiemi, J
- Tuuva, T
- Besancon, M
- Couderc, F
- Dejardin, M
- Denegri, D
- Fabbro, B
- Faure, J L
- Ferri, F
- Ganjour, S
- Givernaud, A
- Gras, P
- de Monchenault, G Hamel
- Jarry, P
- Leloup, C
- Locci, E
- Malcles, J
- Rander, J
- Rosowsky, A
- Sahin, M Ö
- Savoy-Navarro, A
- Titov, M
- Amendola, C
- Beaudette, F
- Busson, P
- Charlot, C
- Diab, B
- Falmagne, G
- de Cassagnac, R Granier
- Kucher, I
- Lobanov, A
- Perez, C Martin
- Nguyen, M
- Ochando, C
- Paganini, P
- Rembser, J
- Salerno, R
- Sauvan, J B
- Sirois, Y
- Zabi, A
- Zghiche, A
- Agram, J-L
- Andrea, J
- Bloch, D
- Bourgatte, G
- Brom, J-M
- Chabert, E C
- Collard, C
- Conte, E
- Fontaine, J-C
- Gelé, D
- Goerlach, U
- Jansová, M
- Bihan, A-C Le
- Tonon, N
- Van Hove, P
- Gadrat, S
- Beauceron, S
- Bernet, C
- Boudoul, G
- Camen, C
- Chanon, N
- Chierici, R
- Contardo, D
- Depasse, P
- Mamouni, H El
- Fay, J
- Gascon, S
- Gouzevitch, M
- Ille, B
- Jain, Sa
- Lagarde, F
- Laktineh, I B
- Lattaud, H
- Lethuillier, M
- Mirabito, L
- Perries, S
- Sordini, V
- Touquet, G
- Donckt, M Vander
- Viret, S
- Toriashvili, T
- Tsamalaidze, Z
- Autermann, C
- Feld, L
- Kiesel, M K
- Klein, K
- Lipinski, M
- Meuser, D
- Pauls, A
- Preuten, M
- Rauch, M P
- Schomakers, C
- Schulz, J
- Teroerde, M
- Wittmer, B
- Albert, A
- Erdmann, M
- Erdweg, S
- Esch, T
- Fischer, B
- Fischer, R
- Ghosh, S
- Hebbeker, T
- Hoepfner, K
- Keller, H
- Mastrolorenzo, L
- Merschmeyer, M
- Meyer, A
- Millet, P
- Mocellin, G
- Mondal, S
- Mukherjee, S
- Noll, D
- Novak, A
- Pook, T
- Pozdnyakov, A
- Quast, T
- Radziej, M
- Rath, Y
- Reithler, H
- Rieger, M
- Roemer, J
- Schmidt, A
- Schuler, S C
- Sharma, A
- Thüer, S
- Wiedenbeck, S
- Flügge, G
- Ahmad, W Haj
- Hlushchenko, O
- Kress, T
- Müller, T
- Nehrkorn, A
- Nowack, A
- Pistone, C
- Pooth, O
- Roy, D
- Sert, H
- Stahl, A
- Martin, M Aldaya
- Asmuss, P
- Babounikau, I
- Bakhshiansohi, H
- Beernaert, K
- Behnke, O
- Behrens, U
- Martínez, A Bermúdez
- Bertsche, D
- Anuar, A A Bin
- Borras, K
- Botta, V
- Campbell, A
- Cardini, A
- Connor, P
- Rodríguez, S Consuegra
- Contreras-Campana, C
- Danilov, V
- De Wit, A
- Defranchis, M M
- Pardos, C Diez
- Damiani, D Domínguez
- Eckerlin, G
- Eckstein, D
- Eichhorn, T
- Elwood, A
- Eren, E
- Gallo, E
- Geiser, A
- Luyando, J M Grados
- Grohsjean, A
- Guthoff, M
- Haranko, M
- Harb, A
- Jafari, A
- Jomhari, N Z
- Jung, H
- Kasem, A
- Kasemann, M
- Kaveh, H
- Keaveney, J
- Kleinwort, C
- Knolle, J
- Krücker, D
- Lange, W
- Lenz, T
- Leonard, J
- Lidrych, J
- Lipka, K
- Lohmann, W
- Mankel, R
- Melzer-Pellmann, I-A
- Meyer, A B
- Meyer, M
- Missiroli, M
- Mittag, G
- Mnich, J
- Mussgiller, A
- Myronenko, V
- Adán, D Pérez
- Pflitsch, S K
- Pitzl, D
- Raspereza, A
- Saibel, A
- Savitskyi, M
- Scheurer, V
- Schütze, P
- Schwanenberger, C
- Shevchenko, R
- Singh, A
- Tholen, H
- Turkot, O
- Vagnerini, A
- Van De Klundert, M
- Van Onsem, G P
- Walsh, R
- Wen, Y
- Wichmann, K
- Wissing, C
- Zenaiev, O
- Zlebcik, R
- Aggleton, R
- Bein, S
- Benato, L
- Benecke, A
- Blobel, V
- Dreyer, T
- Ebrahimi, A
- Fröhlich, A
- Garbers, C
- Garutti, E
- Gonzalez, D
- Gunnellini, P
- Haller, J
- Hinzmann, A
- Karavdina, A
- Kasieczka, G
- Klanner, R
- Kogler, R
- Kovalchuk, N
- Kurz, S
- Kutzner, V
- Lange, J
- Lange, T
- Malara, A
- Marconi, D
- Multhaup, J
- Niedziela, M
- Niemeyer, C E N
- Nowatschin, D
- Perieanu, A
- Reimers, A
- Rieger, O
- Scharf, C
- Schleper, P
- Schumann, S
- Schwandt, J
- Sonneveld, J
- Stadie, H
- Steinbrück, G
- Stober, F M
- Stöver, M
- Vormwald, B
- Zoi, I
- Akbiyik, M
- Barth, C
- Baselga, M
- Baur, S
- Berger, T
- Butz, E
- Caspart, R
- Chwalek, T
- De Boer, W
- Dierlamm, A
- El Morabit, K
- Faltermann, N
- Giffels, M
- Goldenzweig, P
- Gottmann, A
- Harrendorf, M A
- Hartmann, F
- Husemann, U
- Kudella, S
- Mitra, S
- Mozer, M U
- Müller, Th
- Musich, M
- Nürnberg, A
- Quast, G
- Rabbertz, K
- Schröder, M
- Shvetsov, I
- Simonis, H J
- Ulrich, R
- Weber, M
- Wöhrmann, C
- Wolf, R
- Anagnostou, G
- Asenov, P
- Daskalakis, G
- Geralis, T
- Kyriakis, A
- Loukas, D
- Paspalaki, G
- Diamantopoulou, M
- Karathanasis, G
- Kontaxakis, P
- Panagiotou, A
- Papavergou, I
- Saoulidou, N
- Stakia, A
- Theofilatos, K
- Vellidis, K
- Bakas, G
- Kousouris, K
- Papakrivopoulos, I
- Tsipolitis, G
- Evangelou, I
- Foudas, C
- Gianneios, P
- Katsoulis, P
- Kokkas, P
- Mallios, S
- Manitara, K
- Manthos, N
- Papadopoulos, I
- Strologas, J
- Triantis, F A
- Tsitsonis, D
- Bartók, M
- Csanad, M
- Major, P
- Mandal, K
- Mehta, A
- Nagy, M I
- Pasztor, G
- Surányi, O
- Veres, G I
- Bencze, G
- Hajdu, C
- Horvath, D
- Sikler, F
- Vámi, T Á
- Veszpremi, V
- Vesztergombi, G
- Beni, N
- Czellar, S
- Karancsi, J
- Makovec, A
- Molnar, J
- Szillasi, Z
- Raics, P
- Teyssier, D
- Trocsanyi, Z L
- Ujvari, B
- Csorgo, T
- Metzger, W J
- Nemes, F
- Novak, T
- Choudhury, S
- Komaragiri, J R
- Tiwari, P C
- Bahinipati, S
- Kar, C
- Kole, G
- Mal, P
- Bindhu, V K Muraleedharan Nair
- Nayak, A
- Sahoo, D K
- Swain, S K
- Bansal, S
- Beri, S B
- Bhatnagar, V
- Chauhan, S
- Chawla, R
- Dhingra, N
- Gupta, R
- Kaur, A
- Kaur, M
- Kaur, S
- Kumari, P
- Lohan, M
- Meena, M
- Sandeep, K
- Sharma, S
- Singh, J B
- Virdi, A K
- Walia, G
- Bhardwaj, A
- Choudhary, B C
- Garg, R B
- Gola, M
- Keshri, S
- Kumar, Ashok
- Malhotra, S
- Naimuddin, M
- Priyanka, P
- Ranjan, K
- Shah, Aashaq
- Sharma, R
- Bhardwaj, R
- Bharti, M
- Bhattacharya, R
- Bhattacharya, S
- Bhawandeep, U
- Bhowmik, D
- Dey, S
- Dutta, S
- Ghosh, S
- Maity, M
- Mondal, K
- Nandan, S
- Purohit, A
- Rout, P K
- Saha, G
- Sarkar, S
- Sarkar, T
- Sharan, M
- Singh, B
- Thakur, S
- Behera, P K
- Kalbhor, P
- Muhammad, A
- Pujahari, P R
- Sharma, A
- Sikdar, A K
- Chudasama, R
- Dutta, D
- Jha, V
- Kumar, V
- Mishra, D K
- Netrakanti, P K
- Pant, L M
- Shukla, P
- Aziz, T
- Bhat, M A
- Dugad, S
- Mohanty, G B
- Sur, N
- Verma, RavindraKumar
- Banerjee, S
- Bhattacharya, S
- Chatterjee, S
- Das, P
- Guchait, M
- Karmakar, S
- Kumar, S
- Majumder, G
- Mazumdar, K
- Sahoo, N
- Sawant, S
- Chauhan, S
- Dube, S
- Hegde, V
- Kapoor, A
- Kothekar, K
- Pandey, S
- Rane, A
- Rastogi, A
- Sharma, S
- Chenarani, S
- Tadavani, E Eskandari
- Etesami, S M
- Khakzad, M
- Najafabadi, M Mohammadi
- Naseri, M
- Hosseinabadi, F Rezaei
- Felcini, M
- Grunewald, M
- Abbrescia, M
- Calabria, C
- Colaleo, A
- Creanza, D
- Cristella, L
- De Filippis, N
- De Palma, M
- Di Florio, A
- Fiore, L
- Gelmi, A
- Iaselli, G
- Ince, M
- Lezki, S
- Maggi, G
- Maggi, M
- Miniello, G
- My, S
- Nuzzo, S
- Pompili, A
- Pugliese, G
- Radogna, R
- Ranieri, A
- Selvaggi, G
- Silvestris, L
- Venditti, R
- Verwilligen, P
- Abbiendi, G
- Battilana, C
- Bonacorsi, D
- Borgonovi, L
- Braibant-Giacomelli, S
- Campanini, R
- Capiluppi, P
- Castro, A
- Cavallo, F R
- Ciocca, C
- Codispoti, G
- Cuffiani, M
- Dallavalle, G M
- Fabbri, F
- Fanfani, A
- Fontanesi, E
- Giacomelli, P
- Grandi, C
- Guiducci, L
- Iemmi, F
- Lo Meo, S
- Marcellini, S
- Masetti, G
- Navarria, F L
- Perrotta, A
- Primavera, F
- Rossi, A M
- Rovelli, T
- Siroli, G P
- Tosi, N
- Albergo, S
- Costa, S
- Di Mattia, A
- Potenza, R
- Tricomi, A
- Tuve, C
- Barbagli, G
- Ceccarelli, R
- Chatterjee, K
- Ciulli, V
- Civinini, C
- D'Alessandro, R
- Focardi, E
- Latino, G
- Lenzi, P
- Meschini, M
- Paoletti, S
- Sguazzoni, G
- Strom, D
- Viliani, L
- Benussi, L
- Bianco, S
- Piccolo, D
- Bozzo, M
- Ferro, F
- Mulargia, R
- Robutti, E
- Tosi, S
- Benaglia, A
- Beschi, A
- Brivio, F
- Ciriolo, V
- Di Guida, S
- Dinardo, M E
- Dini, P
- Fiorendi, S
- Gennai, S
- Ghezzi, A
- Govoni, P
- Guzzi, L
- Malberti, M
- Malvezzi, S
- Menasce, D
- Monti, F
- Moroni, L
- Ortona, G
- Paganoni, M
- Pedrini, D
- Ragazzi, S
- de Fatis, T Tabarelli
- Zuolo, D
- Buontempo, S
- Cavallo, N
- De Iorio, A
- Di Crescenzo, A
- Fabozzi, F
- Fienga, F
- Galati, G
- Iorio, A O M
- Lista, L
- Meola, S
- Paolucci, P
- Rossi, B
- Sciacca, C
- Voevodina, E
- Azzi, P
- Bacchetta, N
- Boletti, A
- Bragagnolo, A
- Carlin, R
- Checchia, P
- De Castro Manzano, P
- Dorigo, T
- Dosselli, U
- Gasparini, F
- Gasparini, U
- Gozzelino, A
- Hoh, S Y
- Lujan, P
- Margoni, M
- Meneguzzo, A T
- Pazzini, J
- Pozzobon, N
- Presilla, M
- Ronchese, P
- Rossin, R
- Simonetto, F
- Tiko, A
- Tosi, M
- Zanetti, M
- Zotto, P
- Zumerle, G
- Braghieri, A
- Montagna, P
- Ratti, S P
- Re, V
- Ressegotti, M
- Riccardi, C
- Salvini, P
- Vai, I
- Vitulo, P
- Biasini, M
- Bilei, G M
- Cecchi, C
- Ciangottini, D
- Fanò, L
- Lariccia, P
- Leonardi, R
- Manoni, E
- Mantovani, G
- Mariani, V
- Menichelli, M
- Rossi, A
- Santocchia, A
- Spiga, D
- Androsov, K
- Azzurri, P
- Bagliesi, G
- Bertacchi, V
- Bianchini, L
- Boccali, T
- Castaldi, R
- Ciocci, M A
- Dell'Orso, R
- Fedi, G
- Giannini, L
- Giassi, A
- Grippo, M T
- Ligabue, F
- Manca, E
- Mandorli, G
- Messineo, A
- Palla, F
- Rizzi, A
- Rolandi, G
- Chowdhury, S Roy
- Scribano, A
- Spagnolo, P
- Tenchini, R
- Tonelli, G
- Turini, N
- Venturi, A
- Verdini, P G
- Cavallari, F
- Cipriani, M
- Del Re, D
- Di Marco, E
- Diemoz, M
- Longo, E
- Marzocchi, B
- Meridiani, P
- Organtini, G
- Pandolfi, F
- Paramatti, R
- Quaranta, C
- Rahatlou, S
- Rovelli, C
- Santanastasio, F
- Soffi, L
- Amapane, N
- Arcidiacono, R
- Argiro, S
- Arneodo, M
- Bartosik, N
- Bellan, R
- Biino, C
- Cappati, A
- Cartiglia, N
- Cometti, S
- Costa, M
- Covarelli, R
- Demaria, N
- Kiani, B
- Mariotti, C
- Maselli, S
- Migliore, E
- Monaco, V
- Monteil, E
- Monteno, M
- Obertino, M M
- Pacher, L
- Pastrone, N
- Pelliccioni, M
- Angioni, G L Pinna
- Romero, A
- Ruspa, M
- Sacchi, R
- Salvatico, R
- Sola, V
- Solano, A
- Soldi, D
- Staiano, A
- Belforte, S
- Candelise, V
- Casarsa, M
- Cossutti, F
- Da Rold, A
- Della Ricca, G
- Vazzoler, F
- Zanetti, A
- Kim, B
- Kim, D H
- Kim, G N
- Kim, M S
- Lee, J
- Lee, S W
- Moon, C S
- Oh, Y D
- Pak, S I
- Sekmen, S
- Son, D C
- Yang, Y C
- Kim, H
- Moon, D H
- Oh, G
- Francois, B
- Kim, T J
- Park, J
- Cho, S
- Choi, S
- Go, Y
- Gyun, D
- Ha, S
- Hong, B
- Lee, K
- Lee, K S
- Lim, J
- Park, J
- Park, S K
- Roh, Y
- Goh, J
- Kim, H S
- Almond, J
- Bhyun, J H
- Choi, J
- Jeon, S
- Kim, J
- Kim, J S
- Lee, H
- Lee, K
- Lee, S
- Nam, K
- Oh, M
- Oh, S B
- Radburn-Smith, B C
- Yang, U K
- Yoo, H D
- Yoon, I
- Yu, G B
- Jeon, D
- Kim, H
- Kim, J H
- Lee, J S H
- Park, I C
- Watson, I
- Choi, Y
- Hwang, C
- Jeong, Y
- Lee, J
- Lee, Y
- Yu, I
- Veckalns, V
- Dudenas, V
- Juodagalvis, A
- Vaitkus, J
- Ibrahim, Z A
- Idris, F Mohamad
- Abdullah, W A T Wan
- Yusli, M N
- Zolkapli, Z
- Benitez, J F
- Hernandez, A Castaneda
- Quijada, J A Murillo
- Palomo, L Valencia
- Castilla-Valdez, H
- De La Cruz-Burelo, E
- La Cruz, I Heredia-De
- Lopez-Fernandez, R
- Sanchez-Hernandez, A
- Moreno, S Carrillo
- Barrera, C Oropeza
- Ramirez-Garcia, M
- Valencia, F Vazquez
- Eysermans, J
- Pedraza, I
- Ibarguen, H A Salazar
- Estrada, C Uribe
- Pineda, A Morelos
- Raicevic, N
- Krofcheck, D
- Bheesette, S
- Butler, P H
- Ahmad, A
- Ahmad, M
- Hassan, Q
- Hoorani, H R
- Khan, W A
- Shah, M A
- Shoaib, M
- Waqas, M
- Avati, V
- Grzanka, L
- Malawski, M
- Bialkowska, H
- Bluj, M
- Boimska, B
- Górski, M
- Kazana, M
- Szleper, M
- Zalewski, P
- Bunkowski, K
- Byszuk, A
- Doroba, K
- Kalinowski, A
- Konecki, M
- Krolikowski, J
- Misiura, M
- Olszewski, M
- Pyskir, A
- Walczak, M
- Araujo, M
- Bargassa, P
- Bastos, D
- Di Francesco, A
- Faccioli, P
- Galinhas, B
- Gallinaro, M
- Hollar, J
- Leonardo, N
- Seixas, J
- Shchelina, K
- Strong, G
- Toldaiev, O
- Varela, J
- Afanasiev, S
- Bunin, P
- Gavrilenko, M
- Golutvin, I
- Gorbunov, I
- Kamenev, A
- Karjavine, V
- Lanev, A
- Malakhov, A
- Matveev, V
- Moisenz, P
- Palichik, V
- Perelygin, V
- Savina, M
- Shmatov, S
- Shulha, S
- Skatchkov, N
- Smirnov, V
- Voytishin, N
- Zarubin, A
- Chtchipounov, L
- Golovtsov, V
- Ivanov, Y
- Kim, V
- Kuznetsova, E
- Levchenko, P
- Murzin, V
- Oreshkin, V
- Smirnov, I
- Sosnov, D
- Sulimov, V
- Uvarov, L
- Vorobyev, A
- Andreev, Yu
- Dermenev, A
- Gninenko, S
- Golubev, N
- Karneyeu, A
- Kirsanov, M
- Krasnikov, N
- Pashenkov, A
- Tlisov, D
- Toropin, A
- Epshteyn, V
- Gavrilov, V
- Lychkovskaya, N
- Nikitenko, A
- Popov, V
- Pozdnyakov, I
- Safronov, G
- Spiridonov, A
- Stepennov, A
- Toms, M
- Vlasov, E
- Zhokin, A
- Aushev, T
- Chadeeva, M
- Parygin, P
- Philippov, D
- Popova, E
- Rusinov, V
- Andreev, V
- Azarkin, M
- Dremin, I
- Kirakosyan, M
- Terkulov, A
- Baskakov, A
- Belyaev, A
- Boos, E
- Bunichev, V
- Dubinin, M
- Dudko, L
- Klyukhin, V
- Korneeva, N
- Lokhtin, I
- Obraztsov, S
- Perfilov, M
- Savrin, V
- Volkov, P
- Barnyakov, A
- Blinov, V
- Dimova, T
- Kardapoltsev, L
- Skovpen, Y
- Azhgirey, I
- Bayshev, I
- Bitioukov, S
- Kachanov, V
- Konstantinov, D
- Mandrik, P
- Petrov, V
- Ryutin, R
- Slabospitskii, S
- Sobol, A
- Troshin, S
- Tyurin, N
- Uzunian, A
- Volkov, A
- Babaev, A
- Iuzhakov, A
- Okhotnikov, V
- Borchsh, V
- Ivanchenko, V
- Tcherniaev, E
- Adzic, P
- Cirkovic, P
- Devetak, D
- Dordevic, M
- Milenovic, P
- Milosevic, J
- Stojanovic, M
- Aguilar-Benitez, M
- Maestre, J Alcaraz
- Fernández, A Álvarez
- Bachiller, I
- Luna, M Barrio
- Cifuentes, J A Brochero
- Carrillo Montoya, C A
- Cepeda, M
- Cerrada, M
- Colino, N
- Cruz, B De La
- Peris, A Delgado
- Bedoya, C Fernandez
- Ramos, J P Fernández
- Flix, J
- Fouz, M C
- Lopez, O Gonzalez
- Lopez, S Goy
- Hernandez, J M
- Josa, M I
- Moran, D
- Tobar, Á Navarro
- Yzquierdo, A Pérez-Calero
- Pelayo, J Puerta
- Redondo, I
- Romero, L
- Navas, S Sánchez
- Soares, M S
- Triossi, A
- Willmott, C
- Albajar, C
- de Trocóniz, J F
- Gonzalez, B Alvarez
- Cuevas, J
- Erice, C
- Menendez, J Fernandez
- Folgueras, S
- Caballero, I Gonzalez
- Fernández, J R González
- Cortezon, E Palencia
- Bouza, V Rodríguez
- Cruz, S Sanchez
- Cabrillo, I J
- Calderon, A
- Quero, B Chazin
- Campderros, J Duarte
- Fernandez, M
- Manteca, P J Fernández
- Alonso, A García
- Gomez, G
- Rivero, C Martinez
- Del Arbol, P Martinez Ruiz
- Matorras, F
- Gomez, J Piedra
- Prieels, C
- Rodrigo, T
- Ruiz-Jimeno, A
- Russo, L
- Scodellaro, L
- Trevisani, N
- Vila, I
- Garcia, J M Vizan
- Malagalage, K
- Dharmaratna, W G D
- Wickramage, N
- Abbaneo, D
- Akgun, B
- Auffray, E
- Auzinger, G
- Baechler, J
- Baillon, P
- Ball, A H
- Barney, D
- Bendavid, J
- Bianco, M
- Bocci, A
- Bossini, E
- Botta, C
- Brondolin, E
- Camporesi, T
- Caratelli, A
- Cerminara, G
- Chapon, E
- Cucciati, G
- d'Enterria, D
- Dabrowski, A
- Daci, N
- Daponte, V
- David, A
- Davignon, O
- De Roeck, A
- Deelen, N
- Deile, M
- Dobson, M
- Dünser, M
- Dupont, N
- Elliott-Peisert, A
- Fallavollita, F
- Fasanella, D
- Franzoni, G
- Fulcher, J
- Funk, W
- Giani, S
- Gigi, D
- Gilbert, A
- Gill, K
- Glege, F
- Gruchala, M
- Guilbaud, M
- Gulhan, D
- Hegeman, J
- Heidegger, C
- Iiyama, Y
- Innocente, V
- Janot, P
- Karacheban, O
- Kaspar, J
- Kieseler, J
- Krammer, M
- Lange, C
- Lecoq, P
- Lourenço, C
- Malgeri, L
- Mannelli, M
- Massironi, A
- Meijers, F
- Merlin, J A
- Mersi, S
- Meschi, E
- Moortgat, F
- Mulders, M
- Ngadiuba, J
- Nourbakhsh, S
- Orfanelli, S
- Orsini, L
- Pantaleo, F
- Pape, L
- Perez, E
- Peruzzi, M
- Petrilli, A
- Petrucciani, G
- Pfeiffer, A
- Pierini, M
- Pitters, F M
- Rabady, D
- Racz, A
- Rovere, M
- Sakulin, H
- Schäfer, C
- Schwick, C
- Selvaggi, M
- Sharma, A
- Silva, P
- Snoeys, W
- Sphicas, P
- Steggemann, J
- Tavolaro, V R
- Treille, D
- Tsirou, A
- Vartak, A
- Verzetti, M
- Zeuner, W D
- Caminada, L
- Deiters, K
- Erdmann, W
- Horisberger, R
- Ingram, Q
- Kaestli, H C
- Kotlinski, D
- Langenegger, U
- Rohe, T
- Wiederkehr, S A
- Backhaus, M
- Berger, P
- Chernyavskaya, N
- Dissertori, G
- Dittmar, M
- Donegà, M
- Dorfer, C
- Gómez Espinosa, T A
- Grab, C
- Hits, D
- Klijnsma, T
- Lustermann, W
- Manzoni, R A
- Marionneau, M
- Meinhard, M T
- Micheli, F
- Musella, P
- Nessi-Tedaldi, F
- Pauss, F
- Perrin, G
- Perrozzi, L
- Pigazzini, S
- Reichmann, M
- Reissel, C
- Reitenspiess, T
- Ruini, D
- Becerra, D A Sanz
- Schönenberger, M
- Shchutska, L
- Olsson, M L Vesterbacka
- Wallny, R
- Zhu, D H
- Aarrestad, T K
- Amsler, C
- Brzhechko, D
- Canelli, M F
- De Cosa, A
- Del Burgo, R
- Donato, S
- Kilminster, B
- Leontsinis, S
- Mikuni, V M
- Neutelings, I
- Rauco, G
- Robmann, P
- Salerno, D
- Schweiger, K
- Seitz, C
- Takahashi, Y
- Wertz, S
- Zucchetta, A
- Doan, T H
- Kuo, C M
- Lin, W
- Roy, A
- Yu, S S
- Chang, P
- Chao, Y
- Chen, K F
- Chen, P H
- Hou, W-S
- Li, Y Y
- Lu, R-S
- Paganis, E
- Psallidas, A
- Steen, A
- Asavapibhop, B
- Asawatangtrakuldee, C
- Srimanobhas, N
- Suwonjandee, N
- Bat, A
- Boran, F
- Cerci, S
- Damarseckin, S
- Demiroglu, Z S
- Dolek, F
- Dozen, C
- Dumanoglu, I
- Eskut, E
- Gokbulut, G
- Guler, EmineGurpinar
- Guler, Y
- Hos, I
- Isik, C
- Kangal, E E
- Kara, O
- Topaksu, A Kayis
- Kiminsu, U
- Oglakci, M
- Onengut, G
- Ozdemir, K
- Simsek, A E
- Tali, B
- Tok, U G
- Turkcapar, S
- Zorbakir, I S
- Zorbilmez, C
- Isildak, B
- Karapinar, G
- Yalvac, M
- Atakisi, I O
- Gülmez, E
- Kaya, M
- Kaya, O
- Kaynak, B
- Özçelik, Ö
- Tekten, S
- Yetkin, E A
- Cakir, A
- Cankocak, K
- Komurcu, Y
- Sen, S
- Ozkorucuklu, S
- Grynyov, B
- Levchuk, L
- Ball, F
- Bhal, E
- Bologna, S
- Brooke, J J
- Burns, D
- Clement, E
- Cussans, D
- Flacher, H
- Goldstein, J
- Heath, G P
- Heath, H F
- Kreczko, L
- Paramesvaran, S
- Penning, B
- Sakuma, T
- Nasr-Storey, S Seif El
- Smith, D
- Smith, V J
- Taylor, J
- Titterton, A
- Bell, K W
- Belyaev, A
- Brew, C
- Brown, R M
- Cieri, D
- Cockerill, D J A
- Coughlan, J A
- Harder, K
- Harper, S
- Linacre, J
- Manolopoulos, K
- Newbold, D M
- Olaiya, E
- Petyt, D
- Reis, T
- Schuh, T
- Shepherd-Themistocleous, C H
- Thea, A
- Tomalin, I R
- Williams, T
- Womersley, W J
- Bainbridge, R
- Bloch, P
- Borg, J
- Breeze, S
- Buchmuller, O
- Bundock, A
- Chahal, GurpreetSingh
- Colling, D
- Dauncey, P
- Davies, G
- Della Negra, M
- Di Maria, R
- Everaerts, P
- Hall, G
- Iles, G
- James, T
- Komm, M
- Laner, C
- Lyons, L
- Magnan, A-M
- Malik, S
- Martelli, A
- Milosevic, V
- Nash, J
- Palladino, V
- Pesaresi, M
- Raymond, D M
- Richards, A
- Rose, A
- Scott, E
- Seez, C
- Shtipliyski, A
- Stoye, M
- Strebler, T
- Summers, S
- Tapper, A
- Uchida, K
- Virdee, T
- Wardle, N
- Winterbottom, D
- Wright, J
- Zecchinelli, A G
- Zenz, S C
- Cole, J E
- Hobson, P R
- Khan, A
- Kyberd, P
- Mackay, C K
- Morton, A
- Reid, I D
- Teodorescu, L
- Zahid, S
- Call, K
- Dittmann, J
- Hatakeyama, K
- Madrid, C
- McMaster, B
- Pastika, N
- Smith, C
- Bartek, R
- Dominguez, A
- Uniyal, R
- Buccilli, A
- Cooper, S I
- Henderson, C
- Rumerio, P
- West, C
- Arcaro, D
- Bose, T
- Demiragli, Z
- Gastler, D
- Girgis, S
- Pinna, D
- Richardson, C
- Rohlf, J
- Sperka, D
- Suarez, I
- Sulak, L
- Zou, D
- Benelli, G
- Burkle, B
- Coubez, X
- Cutts, D
- Duh, Y T
- Hadley, M
- Hakala, J
- Heintz, U
- Hogan, J M
- Kwok, K H M
- Laird, E
- Landsberg, G
- Lee, J
- Mao, Z
- Narain, M
- Sagir, S
- Syarif, R
- Usai, E
- Yu, D
- Band, R
- Brainerd, C
- Breedon, R
- De La Barca Sanchez, M Calderon
- Chertok, M
- Conway, J
- Conway, R
- Cox, P T
- Erbacher, R
- Flores, C
- Funk, G
- Jensen, F
- Ko, W
- Kukral, O
- Lander, R
- Mulhearn, M
- Pellett, D
- Pilot, J
- Shi, M
- Stolp, D
- Taylor, D
- Tos, K
- Tripathi, M
- Wang, Z
- Zhang, F
- Bachtis, M
- Bravo, C
- Cousins, R
- Dasgupta, A
- Florent, A
- Hauser, J
- Ignatenko, M
- Mccoll, N
- Nash, W A
- Regnard, S
- Saltzberg, D
- Schnaible, C
- Stone, B
- Valuev, V
- Burt, K
- Clare, R
- Gary, J W
- Shirazi, S M A Ghiasi
- Hanson, G
- Karapostoli, G
- Kennedy, E
- Long, O R
- Negrete, M Olmedo
- Paneva, M I
- Si, W
- Wang, L
- Wei, H
- Wimpenny, S
- Yates, B R
- Zhang, Y
- Branson, J G
- Chang, P
- Cittolin, S
- Derdzinski, M
- Gerosa, R
- Gilbert, D
- Hashemi, B
- Klein, D
- Krutelyov, V
- Letts, J
- Masciovecchio, M
- May, S
- Padhi, S
- Pieri, M
- Sharma, V
- Tadel, M
- Würthwein, F
- Yagil, A
- Della Porta, G Zevi
- Amin, N
- Bhandari, R
- Campagnari, C
- Citron, M
- Dutta, V
- Sevilla, M Franco
- Gouskos, L
- Incandela, J
- Marsh, B
- Mei, H
- Ovcharova, A
- Qu, H
- Richman, J
- Sarica, U
- Stuart, D
- Wang, S
- Yoo, J
- Anderson, D
- Bornheim, A
- Cerri, O
- Dutta, I
- Lawhorn, J M
- Lu, N
- Mao, J
- Newman, H B
- Nguyen, T Q
- Pata, J
- Spiropulu, M
- Vlimant, J R
- Xie, S
- Zhang, Z
- Zhu, R Y
- Andrews, M B
- Ferguson, T
- Mudholkar, T
- Paulini, M
- Sun, M
- Vorobiev, I
- Weinberg, M
- Cumalat, J P
- Ford, W T
- Johnson, A
- MacDonald, E
- Mulholland, T
- Patel, R
- Perloff, A
- Stenson, K
- Ulmer, K A
- Wagner, S R
- Alexander, J
- Chaves, J
- Cheng, Y
- Chu, J
- Datta, A
- Frankenthal, A
- Mcdermott, K
- Mirman, N
- Patterson, J R
- Quach, D
- Rinkevicius, A
- Ryd, A
- Tan, S M
- Tao, Z
- Thom, J
- Wittich, P
- Zientek, M
- Abdullin, S
- Albrow, M
- Alyari, M
- Apollinari, G
- Apresyan, A
- Apyan, A
- Banerjee, S
- Bauerdick, L A T
- Beretvas, A
- Berryhill, J
- Bhat, P C
- Burkett, K
- Butler, J N
- Canepa, A
- Cerati, G B
- Cheung, H W K
- Chlebana, F
- Cremonesi, M
- Duarte, J
- Elvira, V D
- Freeman, J
- Gecse, Z
- Gottschalk, E
- Gray, L
- Green, D
- Grünendahl, S
- Gutsche, O
- Hall, AllisonReinsvold
- Hanlon, J
- Harris, R M
- Hasegawa, S
- Heller, R
- Hirschauer, J
- Jayatilaka, B
- Jindariani, S
- Johnson, M
- Joshi, U
- Klima, B
- Kortelainen, M J
- Kreis, B
- Lammel, S
- Lewis, J
- Lincoln, D
- Lipton, R
- Liu, M
- Liu, T
- Lykken, J
- Maeshima, K
- Marraffino, J M
- Mason, D
- McBride, P
- Merkel, P
- Mrenna, S
- Nahn, S
- O'Dell, V
- Papadimitriou, V
- Pedro, K
- Pena, C
- Rakness, G
- Ravera, F
- Ristori, L
- Schneider, B
- Sexton-Kennedy, E
- Smith, N
- Soha, A
- Spalding, W J
- Spiegel, L
- Stoynev, S
- Strait, J
- Strobbe, N
- Taylor, L
- Tkaczyk, S
- Tran, N V
- Uplegger, L
- Vaandering, E W
- Vernieri, C
- Verzocchi, M
- Vidal, R
- Wang, M
- Weber, H A
- Acosta, D
- Avery, P
- Bortignon, P
- Bourilkov, D
- Brinkerhoff, A
- Cadamuro, L
- Carnes, A
- Cherepanov, V
- Curry, D
- Errico, F
- Field, R D
- Gleyzer, S V
- Joshi, B M
- Kim, M
- Konigsberg, J
- Korytov, A
- Lo, K H
- Ma, P
- Matchev, K
- Menendez, N
- Mitselmakher, G
- Rosenzweig, D
- Shi, K
- Wang, J
- Wang, S
- Zuo, X
- Joshi, Y R
- Adams, T
- Askew, A
- Hagopian, S
- Hagopian, V
- Johnson, K F
- Khurana, R
- Kolberg, T
- Martinez, G
- Perry, T
- Prosper, H
- Schiber, C
- Yohay, R
- Zhang, J
- Baarmand, M M
- Bhopatkar, V
- Hohlmann, M
- Noonan, D
- Rahmani, M
- Saunders, M
- Yumiceva, F
- Adams, M R
- Apanasevich, L
- Berry, D
- Betts, R R
- Cavanaugh, R
- Chen, X
- Dittmer, S
- Evdokimov, O
- Gerber, C E
- Hangal, D A
- Hofman, D J
- Jung, K
- Mills, C
- Roy, T
- Tonjes, M B
- Varelas, N
- Wang, H
- Wang, X
- Wu, Z
- Alhusseini, M
- Bilki, B
- Clarida, W
- Dilsiz, K
- Durgut, S
- Gandrajula, R P
- Haytmyradov, M
- Khristenko, V
- Köseyan, O K
- Merlo, J-P
- Mestvirishvili, A
- Moeller, A
- Nachtman, J
- Ogul, H
- Onel, Y
- Ozok, F
- Penzo, A
- Snyder, C
- Tiras, E
- Wetzel, J
- Blumenfeld, B
- Cocoros, A
- Eminizer, N
- Fehling, D
- Feng, L
- Gritsan, A V
- Hung, W T
- Maksimovic, P
- Roskes, J
- Swartz, M
- Xiao, M
- Barrera, C Baldenegro
- Baringer, P
- Bean, A
- Boren, S
- Bowen, J
- Bylinkin, A
- Isidori, T
- Khalil, S
- King, J
- Krintiras, G
- Kropivnitskaya, A
- Lindsey, C
- Majumder, D
- Mcbrayer, W
- Minafra, N
- Murray, M
- Rogan, C
- Royon, C
- Sanders, S
- Schmitz, E
- Takaki, J D Tapia
- Wang, Q
- Williams, J
- Wilson, G
- Duric, S
- Ivanov, A
- Kaadze, K
- Kim, D
- Maravin, Y
- Mendis, D R
- Mitchell, T
- Modak, A
- Mohammadi, A
- Rebassoo, F
- Wright, D
- Baden, A
- Baron, O
- Belloni, A
- Eno, S C
- Feng, Y
- Hadley, N J
- Jabeen, S
- Jeng, G Y
- Kellogg, R G
- Kunkle, J
- Mignerey, A C
- Nabili, S
- Ricci-Tam, F
- Seidel, M
- Shin, Y H
- Skuja, A
- Tonwar, S C
- Wong, K
- Abercrombie, D
- Allen, B
- Baty, A
- Bi, R
- Brandt, S
- Busza, W
- Cali, I A
- D'Alfonso, M
- Ceballos, G Gomez
- Goncharov, M
- Harris, P
- Hsu, D
- Hu, M
- Klute, M
- Kovalskyi, D
- Lee, Y-J
- Luckey, P D
- Maier, B
- Marini, A C
- Mcginn, C
- Mironov, C
- Narayanan, S
- Niu, X
- Paus, C
- Rankin, D
- Roland, C
- Roland, G
- Shi, Z
- Stephans, G S F
- Sumorok, K
- Tatar, K
- Velicanu, D
- Wang, J
- Wang, T W
- Wyslouch, B
- Benvenuti, A C
- Chatterjee, R M
- Evans, A
- Guts, S
- Hansen, P
- Hiltbrand, J
- Jain, Sh
- Kalafut, S
- Kubota, Y
- Lesko, Z
- Mans, J
- Rusack, R
- Wadud, M A
- Acosta, J G
- Oliveros, S
- Bloom, K
- Claes, D R
- Fangmeier, C
- Finco, L
- Golf, F
- Suarez, R Gonzalez
- Kamalieddin, R
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- CMS Collaboration
Status PubMed-not-MEDLINE Jazyk angličtina Země Francie Médium print-electronic
Typ dokumentu časopisecké články
PubMed Central
PII: 7858
Knihovny.cz E-zdroje
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- časopisecké články MeSH
A measurement is presented of differential cross sections for t-channel single top quark and antiquark production in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 Te by the CMS experiment at the LHC. From a data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb - 1 , events containing one muon or electron and two or three jets are analysed. The cross section is measured as a function of the top quark transverse momentum ( p T ), rapidity, and polarisation angle, the charged lepton p T and rapidity, and the p T of the W boson from the top quark decay. In addition, the charge ratio is measured differentially as a function of the top quark, charged lepton, and W boson kinematic observables. The results are found to be in agreement with standard model predictions using various next-to-leading-order event generators and sets of parton distribution functions. Additionally, the spin asymmetry, sensitive to the top quark polarisation, is determined from the differential distribution of the polarisation angle at parton level to be 0.440 ± 0.070 , in agreement with the standard model prediction.
Beihang University Beijing China
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Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Mumbai India
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Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tecnológicas Madrid Spain
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research Geneva Switzerland
Charles University Prague Czech Republic
Chonnam National University Institute for Universe and Elementary Particles Kwangju Korea
Chulalongkorn University Faculty of Science Department of Physics Bangkok Thailand
Çukurova University Physics Department Science and Art Faculty Adana Turkey
Department of Physics Kyung Hee University Seoul Korea
Department of Physics Tsinghua University Beijing China
Department of Physics University of Helsinki Helsinki Finland
Department of Physics University of Ruhuna Matara Sri Lanka
Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron Hamburg Germany
Escuela Politecnica Nacional Quito Ecuador
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INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati Frascati Italy
INFN Sezione di Bari Università di Bari Politecnico di Bari Bari Italy
INFN Sezione di Bologna Università di Bologna Bologna Italy
INFN Sezione di Catania Università di Catania Catania Italy
INFN Sezione di Firenze Università di Firenze Firenze Italy
INFN Sezione di Genova Università di Genova Genoa Italy
INFN Sezione di Milano Bicocca Università di Milano Bicocca Milan Italy
INFN Sezione di Padova Università di Padova Padova Italy Università di Trento Trento Italy
INFN Sezione di Pavia Università di Pavia Pavia Italy
INFN Sezione di Perugia Università di Perugia Perugia Italy
INFN Sezione di Pisa Università di Pisa Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa Pisa Italy
INFN Sezione di Roma Sapienza Università di Roma Rome Italy
INFN Sezione di Trieste Università di Trieste Trieste Italy
Institut für Hochenergiephysik Wien Austria
Institute for High Energy Physics of National Research Centre 'Kurchatov Institute' Protvino Russia
Institute for Nuclear Problems Minsk Belarus
Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Sofia Bulgaria
Institute for Nuclear Research Moscow Russia
Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences Tehran Iran
Institute for Scintillation Materials of National Academy of Science of Ukraine Kharkov Ukraine
Institute of Experimental Physics Faculty of Physics University of Warsaw Warsaw Poland
Institute of High Energy Physics Beijing China
Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics NCSR Demokritos Aghia Paraskevi Greece
Institute of Nuclear Research ATOMKI Debrecen Hungary
Institute of Physics University of Debrecen Debrecen Hungary
Institute Rudjer Boskovic Zagreb Croatia
Instituto de Física de Cantabria CSIC Universidad de Cantabria Santander Spain
IRFU CEA Université Paris Saclay Gif sur Yvette France
Istanbul Technical University Istanbul Turkey
Istanbul University Istanbul Turkey
Johns Hopkins University Baltimore USA
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Dubna Russia
Kansas State University Manhattan USA
Karlsruher Institut fuer Technologie Karlsruhe Germany
Kyungpook National University Daegu Korea
Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas Lisbon Portugal
Lappeenranta University of Technology Lappeenranta Finland
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Livermore USA
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge USA
Middle East Technical University Physics Department Ankara Turkey
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Moscow Russia
MTA ELTE Lendület CMS Particle and Nuclear Physics Group Eötvös Loránd University Budapest Hungary
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Athens Greece
National Central University Chung Li Taiwan
National Centre for Nuclear Research Swierk Poland
National Centre for Particle Physics Universiti Malaya Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
National Centre for Physics Quaid 1 Azam University Islamabad Pakistan
National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics Tallinn Estonia
National Institute of Science Education and Research HBNI Bhubaneswar India
National Research Nuclear University 'Moscow Engineering Physics Institute' Moscow Russia
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University Tomsk Russia
National Scientific Center Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology Kharkov Ukraine
National Taiwan University Taipei Taiwan
National Technical University of Athens Athens Greece
Northeastern University Boston USA
Northwestern University Evanston USA
Novosibirsk State University Novosibirsk Russia
P N Lebedev Physical Institute Moscow Russia
Panjab University Chandigarh India
Paul Scherrer Institut Villigen Switzerland
Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute Gatchina Russia
Princeton University Princeton USA
Purdue University Northwest Hammond USA
Purdue University West Lafayette USA
Riga Technical University Riga Latvia
Rutgers The State University of New Jersey Piscataway USA
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Didcot UK
RWTH Aachen University 1 Physikalisches Institut Aachen Germany
RWTH Aachen University 3 Physikalisches Institut A Aachen Germany
RWTH Aachen University 3 Physikalisches Institut B Aachen Germany
Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics HBNI Kolkata India
Seoul National University Seoul Korea
Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics Lomonosov Moscow State University Moscow Russia
State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Technology Peking University Beijing China
State University of New York at Buffalo Buffalo USA
Sungkyunkwan University Suwon Korea
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research A Mumbai India
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research B Mumbai India
Tbilisi State University Tbilisi Georgia
Texas A and M University College Station USA
Texas Tech University Lubbock USA
The Ohio State University Columbus USA
The University of Alabama Tuscaloosa USA
The University of Iowa Iowa City USA
The University of Kansas Lawrence USA
Tomsk State University Tomsk Russia
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Madrid Spain
Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí San Luis Potosí Mexico
Universidad de Antioquia Medellin Colombia
Universidad de Los Andes Bogota Colombia
Universidad de Sonora Hermosillo Mexico
Universidad Iberoamericana Mexico City Mexico
Universidad San Francisco de Quito Quito Ecuador
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Universidade Estadual Paulista Universidade Federal do ABC São Paulo Brazil
Universität Zürich Zurich Switzerland
Université Catholique de Louvain Louvain la Neuve Belgium
Université de Strasbourg CNRS IPHC UMR 7178 Strasbourg France
Université Libre de Bruxelles Bruxelles Belgium
Universiteit Antwerpen Antwerpen Belgium
University College Dublin Dublin Ireland
University of Auckland Auckland New Zealand
University of Belgrade Faculty of Physics and VINCA Institute of Nuclear Sciences Belgrade Serbia
University of Bristol Bristol UK
University of California Davis Davis USA
University of California Los Angeles USA
University of California Riverside Riverside USA
University of California San Diego La Jolla USA
University of California Santa Barbara Department of Physics Santa Barbara USA
University of Canterbury Christchurch New Zealand
University of Colombo Colombo Sri Lanka
University of Colorado Boulder Boulder USA
University of Cyprus Nicosia Cyprus
University of Delhi Delhi India
University of Florida Gainesville USA
University of Hamburg Hamburg Germany
University of Illinois at Chicago Chicago USA
University of Ioánnina Ioánnina Greece
University of Maryland College Park USA
University of Minnesota Minneapolis USA
University of Mississippi Oxford USA
University of Montenegro Podgorica Montenegro
University of Nebraska Lincoln Lincoln USA
University of Notre Dame Notre Dame USA
University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez USA
University of Rochester Rochester USA
University of Seoul Seoul Korea
University of Sofia Sofia Bulgaria
University of Split Faculty of Science Split Croatia
University of Tennessee Knoxville USA
University of Virginia Charlottesville USA
University of Wisconsin Madison Madison WI USA
Vanderbilt University Nashville USA
Vilnius University Vilnius Lithuania
Vrije Universiteit Brussel Brussel Belgium
Wayne State University Detroit USA
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