Social Inclusion [sociální inkluze]


The process of improving the basis on which individuals and groups take part in society by improving the ability, opportunity, and dignity of those disadvantaged.

D000083644 MeSH Browser
History note
Public note

F Psychiatry and Psychology
F01.145 Behavior 1 190
F01.145.813 Social Behavior 774
F01.145.813.045 Aggression 1 106
F01.145.813.090 Altruism 63
F01.145.813.093 Anomie 12
F01.145.813.097 Ceremonial Behavior 122
F01.145.813.105 Competitive Behavior 54
F01.145.813.115 Cooperative Behavior 805
F01.145.813.157 Deception 111
F01.145.813.191 Dehumanization 2
F01.145.813.195 Empowerment 7
F01.145.813.199 Femininity 28
F01.145.813.208 Gift Giving 73
F01.145.813.213 Harassment, Non-Sexual
F01.145.813.217 Help-Seeking Behavior 5
F01.145.813.225 Helping Behavior 365
F01.145.813.301 Incivility 3
F01.145.813.376 Masculinity 32
F01.145.813.527 Mass Behavior 32
F01.145.813.537 Cell Phone Use 11
F01.145.813.542 Mass Gatherings 1
F01.145.813.546 Permissiveness 57
F01.145.813.550 Prejudice 200
F01.145.813.565 Rejection, Psychology 14
F01.145.813.572 Scapegoating 11
F01.145.813.595 Self-Control 38
F01.145.813.606 Sexual Harassment 81
F01.145.813.617 Shyness 15
F01.145.813.621 Social Adjustment 540
F01.145.813.625 Social Conformity 44
F01.145.813.627 Social Defeat 1
F01.145.813.628 Social Desirability 34
F01.145.813.629 Social Discrimination 80
F01.145.813.630 Psychological Distance 22
F01.145.813.650 Social Dominance 36
F01.145.813.653 Social Evolution 2
F01.145.813.655 Social Facilitation 239
F01.145.813.708 Social Identification 90
F01.145.813.745 Social Inclusion 10
F01.145.813.781 Social Isolation 307
F01.145.813.817 Social Marginalization 25
F01.145.813.828 Social Skills 87
F01.145.813.840 Social Stigma 146
F01.145.813.854 Stereotyping 145
F01.145.813.963 Whistleblowing 3