Recreational Drug Use [rekreační užívání drog]


Occasional or habitual non-prescribed, not health-related use of substances.

D000084783 MeSH Browser
History note
Public note

F Psychiatry and Psychology
F01.145 Behavior 1 190
F01.145.015 Accident Proneness 15
F01.145.022 Adolescent Behavior 724
F01.145.113 Behavior, Animal 1 154
F01.145.126 Behavioral Symptoms 183
F01.145.179 Child Behavior 545
F01.145.209 Communication 4 415
F01.145.236 Consumer Behavior 97
F01.145.250 Criminal Behavior 71
F01.145.263 Dangerous Behavior 145
F01.145.317 Drinking Behavior 68
F01.145.367 Escape Reaction 41
F01.145.387 Exploratory Behavior 148
F01.145.407 Feeding Behavior 1 614
F01.145.466 Habits 62
F01.145.477 Harm Reduction 153
F01.145.488 Health Behavior 1 272
F01.145.493 Hoarding 4
F01.145.499 Illness Behavior 24
F01.145.510 Imitative Behavior 22
F01.145.527 Impulsive Behavior 75
F01.145.610 Marijuana Use 16
F01.145.632 Motor Activity 3 414
F01.145.677 Personal Satisfaction 230
F01.145.688 Reproductive Behavior 129
F01.145.722 Risk-Taking 84
F01.145.749 Sedentary Behavior 156
F01.145.775 Self Stimulation 14
F01.145.802 Sexual Behavior 1 905
F01.145.805 Smoking 4 180
F01.145.813 Social Behavior 774
F01.145.875 Spatial Behavior 146
F01.145.896 Stereotyped Behavior 63
F01.145.916 Sucking Behavior 31
F01.145.958 Tobacco Use 25