Cell Culture Techniques, Three Dimensional [techniky 3D buněčné kultury]


3D buněčná kultivace
3D buněčná kultura
3D kultivace buněk
buněčná 3D kultura na scaffold matrici
trojdimenzionální buněčná kultura
trojdimenzionální kultivace buněk


3-D Cell Culture
3-Dimensional Cell Culture
3D Cell Culture
Scaffold 3D Cell Culture
Scaffold Cell Culture
Scaffold Cell Culture Techniques
Three-Dimensional Cell Culture


Methods for growing cells in a way that they form three-dimensional shapes, such as on a three-dimensionally shaped substrate or as free-falling aggregates in stirred liquids.

D000087603 MeSH Browser
Previous indexing
Cell Culture Techniques (2005-2021)
History note
Public note

E Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment
E01 Diagnosis 1 788
E01.370.225.500 Cytological Techniques 563
E01.370.225.500.223 Cell Culture Techniques 405
E01.370.225.500.223.250.500 Microphysiological Systems
E01.370.225.500.223.500 Primary Cell Culture 81
E05.200.500 Cytological Techniques 563
E05.200.500.265 Cell Culture Techniques 405
E05.200.500.265.125.500 Microphysiological Systems
E05.200.500.265.250 Cell Line Authentication
E05.200.500.265.500 Primary Cell Culture 81
E05.242.223.375.500 Microphysiological Systems
E05.242.223.500 Primary Cell Culture 81
E05.481 In Vitro Techniques 6 265
E05.481.500 Culture Techniques 791
E05.481.500.249 Cell Culture Techniques 405
E05.481.500.249.124 Batch Cell Culture Techniques 20
E05.481.500.249.312.500 Microphysiological Systems
E05.481.500.249.500 Primary Cell Culture 81