ambulantní péče - informační systémy [Ambulatory Care Information Systems]
- Termíny
Ambulatory Information Systems
Information Systems, Ambulatory Care
Information systems, usually computer-assisted, designed to store, manipulate, and retrieve information for planning, organizing, directing, and controlling administrative activities associated with the provision and utilization of ambulatory care services and facilities.
- Anotace
- IM
- IM
- D000555 MeSH Prohlížeč
- M0000868
- Historická pozn.
- 91(87); was see under INFORMATION SYSTEMS 1987-90
- Veřejná pozn.
- 91; was see under INFORMATION SYSTEMS 1987-90
Povolená podhesla
- HI
- dějiny 0
- EC
- ekonomika 0
- ES
- etika 0
- CL
- klasifikace 0
- ST
- normy 3
- OG
- organizace a řízení 7
- SN
- statistika a číselné údaje 0
- TD
- trendy 3
- LJ
- zákonodárství a právo 2