Delta Rhythm [delta rytmus EEG]


delta mozkové vlny
elektroencefalografie - delta rytmus

Persistent link

Brain waves seen on EEG characterized by a high amplitude and a frequency of 4 Hz and below. They are considered the "deep sleep waves" observed during sleep in dreamless states, infancy, and in some brain disorders.

D003700 MeSH Browser
History note
91(75); was see under ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY 1975-90
Public note
91; was see under ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY 1975-90

E Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment
E01 Diagnosis 1 788
E01.370.376.300 Electroencephalography 3 348
E01.370.376.300.150 Brain Waves 58
E01.370.376.300.150.374 Alpha Rhythm 41
E01.370.376.300.150.750 Beta Rhythm 15
E01.370.376.300.150.875 Delta Rhythm 11
E01.370.376.300.150.906 Gamma Rhythm 13
E01.370.376.300.150.937 Theta Rhythm 48
E01.370.405 Electrodiagnosis 349
E01.370.405.245 Electroencephalography 3 348
E01.370.405.245.287 Brain Waves 58
E01.370.405.245.287.374 Alpha Rhythm 41
E01.370.405.245.287.750 Beta Rhythm 15
E01.370.405.245.287.875 Delta Rhythm 11
E01.370.405.245.287.906 Gamma Rhythm 13
E01.370.405.245.287.937 Theta Rhythm 48

G Phenomena and Processes
G07.265.087 Brain Waves 58
G07.265.087.500 Alpha Rhythm 41
G07.265.087.750 Beta Rhythm 15
G07.265.087.875 Delta Rhythm 11
G07.265.087.906 Gamma Rhythm 13
G07.265.087.937 Theta Rhythm 48
G11.561.127 Brain Waves 58
G11.561.127.500 Alpha Rhythm 41
G11.561.127.750 Beta Rhythm 15
G11.561.127.875 Delta Rhythm 11
G11.561.127.906 Gamma Rhythm 13
G11.561.127.937 Theta Rhythm 48