Ear, Middle [střední ucho]
- Terms
auris media
bubínková dutina
cavum tympani
středoušní dutina
ucho střední
Middle Ear
Tympanic Cavity
The space and structures directly internal to the TYMPANIC MEMBRANE and external to the inner ear (LABYRINTH). Its major components include the AUDITORY OSSICLES and the EUSTACHIAN TUBE that connects the cavity of middle ear (tympanic cavity) to the upper part of the throat.
- Annotation
- /surg: consider TYMPANOPLASTY; inflammation = OTITIS MEDIA; injuries caused by pressure = EAR, MIDDLE /inj (IM) + BAROTRAUMA (IM); middle ear effusions = OTITIS MEDIA WITH EFFUSION
- D004432 MeSH Browser
- M0006947
Allowable subheadings
- AB
- abnormalities 8
- AH
- anatomy & histology 21
- BS
- blood supply 1
- CH
- chemistry 2
- CY
- cytology 1
- DG
- diagnostic imaging 1
- DE
- drug effects 3
- EM
- embryology 3
- EN
- enzymology 3
- GD
- growth & development 3
- IM
- immunology 3
- IN
- injuries 16
- IR
- innervation 2
- ME
- metabolism 0
- MI
- microbiology 7
- PS
- parasitology 0
- PA
- pathology 75
- PH
- physiology 14
- PP
- physiopathology 16
- RE
- radiation effects 1
- SU
- surgery 80
- TR
- transplantation 1
- UL
- ultrastructure 6
- VI
- virology 0