eutanazie [Euthanasia]
- Termíny
Mercy Killing
The act or practice of killing or allowing death from natural causes, for reasons of mercy, i.e., in order to release a person from incurable disease, intolerable suffering, or undignified death. (from Beauchamp and Walters, Contemporary Issues in Bioethics, 5th ed)
- Anotace
- HUMAN only; EUTHANASIA, ANIMAL is available for animals; EUTHANASIA, ACTIVE and EUTHANASIA, PASSIVE are also available
- D005065 MeSH Prohlížeč
- M0007961
Povolená podhesla
- HI
- dějiny 38
- ES
- etika 144
- CL
- klasifikace 13
- PX
- psychologie 46
- SN
- statistika a číselné údaje 7
- TD
- trendy 24
- LJ
- zákonodárství a právo 90