Health Facility Environment [prostředí zdravotnických zařízení]


prostředí středisek pro plánování rodičovství
prostředí zdravotnického zařízení
zdravotnická zařízení - prostředí


Environment, Health Facility
Family Planning, Environment

Persistent link

Physical surroundings or conditions of a hospital or other health facility and influence of these factors on patients and staff.

D006272 MeSH Browser
History note
91(80); was see under HEALTH FACILITIES 1980-90
Public note
91; was see under HEALTH FACILITIES 1980-90

N Health Care
N02.278 Health Facilities 2 250
N02.278.050 Bed Occupancy 143
N02.278.080 Birthing Centers 53
N02.278.192 Dental Facilities 38
N02.278.204 Fertility Clinics 4
N02.278.207 Fitness Centers 71
N02.278.220.640 Patients' Rooms 29
N02.278.306 Health Facility Size 21
N02.278.330 Health Resorts 2 417
N02.278.388 Hospital Units 115
N02.278.421 Hospitals 2 666
N02.278.487 Laboratories 1 671
N02.278.524 Leper Colonies 2
N02.278.590 Morgue 2
N02.278.617 Nurseries, Infant 256
N02.278.678 Pharmacies 2 094
N02.278.692 Physicians' Offices 206
N02.278.808 Rehabilitation Centers 334
N02.278.956 Waiting Rooms 3
N05.300.430.188 Access to Primary Care 8
N05.300.430.375 Health Care Rationing 207
N05.300.430.383 Health Equity 25
N05.300.430.390 Health Facility Closure 21
N05.300.430.410 Health Facility Size 21
N05.300.430.500 Marketing of Health Services 124
N05.300.430.750 Transportation of Patients 467