Inguinal Canal [inguinální kanál]
- Terms
inguinální prstenec
ingvinální kanál
ingvinální prstenec
tříselný kanál
Inguinal Ring
The tunnel in the lower anterior ABDOMINAL WALL through which the SPERMATIC CORD, in the male; ROUND LIGAMENT, in the female; nerves; and vessels pass. Its internal end is at the deep inguinal ring and its external end is at the superficial inguinal ring.
- Annotation
- internal canal only: do not confuse with GROIN, external only
- pouze vnitřní kanál: nepleť s deskriptorem TŘÍSLA, ta jsou pouze vnější
- D007264 MeSH Browser
- M0011338
Allowable subheadings
- AB
- abnormalities 0
- AH
- anatomy & histology 4
- BS
- blood supply 0
- DG
- diagnostic imaging 0
- EM
- embryology 1
- GD
- growth & development 0
- IN
- injuries 0
- IR
- innervation 0
- MI
- microbiology 1
- PS
- parasitology 0
- PA
- pathology 10
- PH
- physiology 0
- PP
- physiopathology 0
- RE
- radiation effects 0
- SU
- surgery 28
- VI
- virology 0