Leishmania [Leishmania]
- Terms
Leishmania (Leishmania)
Leishmania (Viannia)
Leishmania podrod Leishmania
Leishmania podrod Viannia
Leishmania (Leishmania)
Leishmania (Viannia)
Leishmania leishmania
Leishmania viannia
A genus of flagellate protozoa comprising several species that are pathogenic for humans. Organisms of this genus have an amastigote and a promastigote stage in their life cycles. As a result of enzymatic studies this single genus has been divided into two subgenera: Leishmania leishmania and Leishmania viannia. Species within the Leishmania leishmania subgenus include: L. aethiopica, L. arabica, L. donovani, L. enrietti, L. gerbilli, L. hertigi, L. infantum, L. major, L. mexicana, and L. tropica. The following species are those that compose the Leishmania viannia subgenus: L. braziliensis, L. guyanensis, L. lainsoni, L. naiffi, and L. shawi.
- Annotation
- infection = LEISHMANIASIS or its specifics; coordinate with specific protozoan terms (ANTIGENS, PROTOZOAN, etc) if pertinent; a virus infecting Leishmania is named LEISHMANIAVIRUS: see note there
- D007891 MeSH Browser
- M0012321
- RN
- txid5658
Allowable subheadings
- CH
- chemistry 4
- CL
- classification 22
- CY
- cytology 0
- DE
- drug effects 9
- EN
- enzymology 3
- GE
- genetics 36
- GD
- growth & development 15
- IM
- immunology 6
- IP
- isolation & purification 11
- ME
- metabolism 8
- MI
- microbiology 0
- PS
- parasitology 2
- PY
- pathogenicity 24
- PH
- physiology 15
- RE
- radiation effects 0
- UL
- ultrastructure 2
- VI
- virology 2