Oncogenes [onkogeny]
- Terms
onkogenní geny
transformující gen
transformující geny
Transforming Gene
Transforming Genes
Genes whose gain-of-function alterations lead to NEOPLASTIC CELL TRANSFORMATION. They include, for example, genes for activators or stimulators of CELL PROLIFERATION such as growth factors, growth factor receptors, protein kinases, signal transducers, nuclear phosphoproteins, and transcription factors. A prefix of "v-" before oncogene symbols indicates oncogenes captured and transmitted by RETROVIRUSES; the prefix "c-" before the gene symbol of an oncogene indicates it is the cellular homolog (PROTO-ONCOGENES) of a v-oncogene.
- Annotation
- "oncogene" used by author may refer to ONCOGENES or PROTO-ONCOGENES; do not confuse with ONCOGENS see CARCINOGENS; Manual; do not confuse with GENES, NEOPLASM
- D009857 MeSH Browser
- M0015298
- Previous indexing
- Genes (1966-1977); Genes, Viral (1978-1982)
- History note
- 83
- Public note
- 83
Allowable subheadings
- DE
- drug effects 11
- ES
- ethics 0
- GE
- genetics 55
- IM
- immunology 17
- PH
- physiology 33
- RE
- radiation effects 2