Poverty [chudoba]


absolutní chudoba
chudí lidé
extrémní chudoba
federální hranice chudoby
hluboká chudoba
populace s nízkým příjmem


Absolute Poverty
Extreme Poverty
Federal Poverty Level
Federal Poverty Threshold
Low Income Population
Low-Income Population

Persistent link   https://www.medvik.cz/link/D011203

A situation in which the level of living of an individual, family, or group is below the standard of the community. It is often related to a specific income level.

for issues concerning health, coordinate with SOCIAL DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH; specify geographic location if pertinent
pro články týkající se zdraví kombinuj s deskriptorem SOCIÁLNÍ DETERMINANTY ZDRAVÍ; je-li třeba, upřesni geograficky
D011203 MeSH Browser
History note
Public note

I Anthropology, Education, Sociology and Social Phenomena
I01.880 Sociology 777
I01.880.735 Social Problems 1 068
I01.880.735.070 Bullying 213
I01.880.735.105 Child Labor 2
I01.880.735.140 Civil Disorders 9
I01.880.735.191 Crime 676
I01.880.735.223 Dangerous Behavior 145
I01.880.735.255 Divorce 331
I01.880.735.265 Doping in Sports 301
I01.880.735.305 Emotional Abuse 7
I01.880.735.344 Homicide 250
I01.880.735.384 Human Rights Abuses 68
I01.880.735.424 Illegitimacy 13
I01.880.735.433 Incarceration 1
I01.880.735.442 Incest 65
I01.880.735.461 Incivility 3
I01.880.735.479 Juvenile Delinquency 201
I01.880.735.580 Needle Sharing 31
I01.880.735.607 Parental Death 7
I01.880.735.634 Poverty 226
I01.880.735.634.500 Child Poverty
I01.880.735.646 Pseudoscience
I01.880.735.657 Self-Neglect 4
I01.880.735.679 Sex Work 225
I01.880.735.728 Quackery 52
I01.880.735.779 Runaway Behavior 14
I01.880.735.784 Social Behavior Disorders 691
I01.880.735.820 Social Segregation 6
I01.880.735.856 Suicide 1 022
I01.880.735.878 Underage Drinking 45
I01.880.735.900 Violence 728
I01.880.853 Sociological Factors 129
I01.880.853.996 Socioeconomic Factors 2 097
I01.880.853.996.134 Economic Factors 7
I01.880.853.996.268 Economic Status 4
I01.880.853.996.535 Poverty 226
I01.880.853.996.535.550 Poverty Areas 15
I01.880.853.996.755 Social Class 194
I01.880.853.996.877 Social Factors 14

N Health Care
N01.824.098 Economic Status 4
N01.824.196 Educational Status 526
N01.824.245 Employment 951
N01.824.308 Family Characteristics 463
N01.824.417 Income 220
N01.824.460 Medical Indigency 63
N01.824.547 Occupations 452
N01.824.600 Poverty 226
N01.824.600.550 Poverty Areas 15
N01.824.737 Social Change 133
N01.824.782 Social Class 194
N01.824.827 Social Conditions 596