zaměstnání pro postižené [Employment, Supported]
- Termíny
Supported Employment
Paid work for mentally or physically disabled persons, taking place in regular or normal work settings. It may be competitive employment (work that pays minimum wage) or employment with subminimal wages in individualized or group placement situations. It is intended for persons with severe disabilities who require a range of support services to maintain employment. Supported employment differs from SHELTERED WORKSHOPS in that work in the latter takes place in a controlled working environment. Federal regulations are authorized and administered by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services.
- Anotace
- full or part-time employment program for the disabled
- program zaměstnání pro postižené na plný či částečný úvazek
- D016832 MeSH Prohlížeč
- M0025626
- Předchozí užití
- Rehabilitation, Vocational (1988-1991)
- Historická pozn.
- 92
- Veřejná pozn.
- 92
Povolená podhesla
- HI
- dějiny 2
- EC
- ekonomika 33
- ES
- etika 6
- CL
- klasifikace 2
- MT
- metody 30
- ST
- normy 13
- OG
- organizace a řízení 63
- PX
- psychologie 10
- SN
- statistika a číselné údaje 14
- TD
- trendy 20
- LJ
- zákonodárství a právo 64