Caregivers [osoby pečující o pacienty]


neformální pečovatelé
pečující manžel
pečující rodinní příslušníci


Care Givers
Family Caregivers
Informal Caregivers
Spouse Caregivers

Persistent link

Persons who provide care to those who need supervision or assistance in illness or disability. They may provide the care in the home, in a hospital, or in an institution. Although caregivers include trained medical, nursing, and other health personnel, the concept also refers to parents, spouses, or other family members, friends, members of the clergy, teachers, social workers, fellow patients.

general or unspecified; prefer specific caregiver as NURSES; PHYSICIANS; etc.; coordinate with specific field if pertinent: "the teacher as caregiver" = CAREGIVERS + TEACHING
D017028 MeSH Browser
History note
Public note

M Named Groups
M01 Persons 21
M01.055 Adult Children 30
M01.060 Age Groups 202
M01.066 Alcoholics 100
M01.072 Athletes 430
M01.085 Caregivers 333
M01.107 Child, Foster 16
M01.120 Consultants 82
M01.135 Crime Victims 277
M01.142 Criminals 121
M01.150 Disabled Persons 3 413
M01.169 Drug Users 589
M01.219 Ex-Smokers 4
M01.228 Famous Persons 3 039
M01.252 Friends 57
M01.264 Grandparents 8
M01.390 Men 1 222
M01.395 Mentors 354
M01.416 Minors 72
M01.427 Missionaries 2
M01.482 Non-Smokers 11
M01.526.485 Health Personnel 1 633
M01.526.485.067 Allied Health Personnel 152
M01.526.485.133 Anatomists 19
M01.526.485.140 Anesthetists 2
M01.526.485.170 Audiologists
M01.526.485.200 Caregivers 333
M01.526.485.215 Case Managers 5
M01.526.485.330 Dental Staff 19
M01.526.485.345 Doulas 11
M01.526.485.353 Epidemiologists 6
M01.526.485.360 Faculty, Dental 48
M01.526.485.375 Faculty, Medical 1 406
M01.526.485.390 Faculty, Nursing 14
M01.526.485.410 Health Educators 64
M01.526.485.500 Medical Chaperones 1
M01.526.485.510 Medical Laboratory Personnel 179
M01.526.485.630 Medical Staff 83
M01.526.485.650 Nurses 5 057
M01.526.485.680 Nursing Staff 104
M01.526.485.695 Nutritionists 54
M01.526.485.710 Occupational Therapists 2
M01.526.485.725 Optometrists 2
M01.526.485.740 Personnel, Hospital 196
M01.526.485.780 Pharmacists 1 120
M01.526.485.790 Physical Therapists 77
M01.526.485.800 Physician Executives 171
M01.526.485.810 Physicians 4 517
M01.526.485.858 Psychotherapists 14
M01.526.485.905 Veterinarians 29
M01.620 Parents 1 264
M01.643 Patients 1 876
M01.665 Pedestrians 9
M01.729 Prisoners 229
M01.755 Refugees 126
M01.776 Sex Workers 23
M01.778 Sexual Partners 244
M01.781 Siblings 124
M01.785 Single Person 37
M01.808 Smokers 33
M01.816 Spouses 108
M01.848 Students 1 655
M01.860 Survivors 177
M01.873 Terminally Ill 657
M01.898 Tissue Donors 796
M01.928 Vegetarians 13
M01.930 Veterans 65
M01.955 Volunteers 280
M01.975 Women 2 430
M01.987 Working Poor 5

N Health Care
N02.360 Health Personnel 1 633
N02.360.133 Anatomists 19
N02.360.140 Anesthetists 2
N02.360.170 Audiologists
N02.360.200 Caregivers 333
N02.360.215 Case Managers 5
N02.360.330 Dental Staff 19
N02.360.338 Doulas 11
N02.360.345 Epidemiologists 6
N02.360.360 Faculty, Dental 48
N02.360.375 Faculty, Medical 1 406
N02.360.390 Faculty, Nursing 14
N02.360.500 Medical Chaperones 1
N02.360.630 Medical Staff 83
N02.360.650 Nurses 5 057
N02.360.680 Nursing Staff 104
N02.360.695 Nutritionists 54
N02.360.725 Optometrists 2
N02.360.740 Personnel, Hospital 196
N02.360.780 Pharmacists 1 120
N02.360.790 Physical Therapists 77
N02.360.800 Physician Executives 171
N02.360.810 Physicians 4 517
N02.360.905 Veterinarians 29