náklady na zdravotní péči [Health Care Costs]
- Termíny
náklady na léčbu
náklady na lékařskou péči
terapie - náklady
zdravotní péče - náklady
Costs, Medical Care
Health Costs
Healthcare Costs
Medical Care Costs
Treatment Costs
The actual costs of providing services related to the delivery of health care, including the costs of procedures, therapies, and medications. It is differentiated from HEALTH EXPENDITURES, which refers to the amount of money paid for the services, and from fees, which refers to the amount charged, regardless of cost.
- Anotace
- actual cost of providing care: do not confuse with HEALTH EXPENDITURES (the amount paid for the service) or with FEES AND CHARGES (the amount charged regardless of cost); do not confuse with COST OF ILLNESS which is a personal cost (psychol, social, etc.) as well as a monetary cost for services
- D017048 MeSH Prohlížeč
- M0025904
- Předchozí užití
- Costs and Cost Analysis (1966-1991); Health Expenditures (1968-1991)
- Historická pozn.
- 92
- Veřejná pozn.
- 92
Povolená podhesla
- HI
- dějiny 1
- ES
- etika 17
- CL
- klasifikace 19
- ST
- normy 86
- SN
- statistika a číselné údaje 244
- TD
- trendy 209
- LJ
- zákonodárství a právo 106