chybná zdravotní péče [Medical Errors]
- Termíny
chirurgie - chyby
chyby při operačních výkonech
lékařské omyly
medicínské omyly
never event
stranová záměna v chirurgii
záměna pacientů v chirurgii
záměna stran při operaci
Critical Incidents, Medical
Critical Medical Incidents
Errors, Medical
Errors, Surgical
Medical Error of Commission
Medical Error of Omission
Medical Errors of Commission
Medical Errors of Omission
Medical Mistake
Medical Mistakes
Mistake, Medical
Mistakes, Medical
Never Event
Surgical Error
Surgical Errors
Wrong-Patient Surgery
Wrong-Procedure Errors
Wrong-Site Surgery
Errors or mistakes committed by health professionals which result in harm to the patient. They include errors in diagnosis (DIAGNOSTIC ERRORS), errors in the administration of drugs and other medications (MEDICATION ERRORS), errors in the performance of surgical procedures, in the use of other types of therapy, in the use of equipment, and in the interpretation of laboratory findings. Medical errors are differentiated from MALPRACTICE in that the former are regarded as honest mistakes or accidents while the latter is the result of negligence, reprehensible ignorance, or criminal intent.
- Anotace
- coordinate with specific disease or procedure; do not confuse with MALPRACTICE
- kombinuj s konkrétní nemocí nebo činností; nepleť s deskriptorem ZANEDBÁNÍ POVINNÉ PÉČE
- D019300 MeSH Prohlížeč
- M0028733
- Historická pozn.
- 97
- Veřejná pozn.
- 97