Toe Phalanges [kosti prstů nohy]
- Terms
ossa digitorum pedis
prsty nohy - falangy
prsty nohy - kosti
Bones of Toes
Phalanges of Toes
Toe Bones
Persistent link
Bones that make up the SKELETON of the TOES, consisting of two for the great toe, and three for each of the other toes.
- Annotation
- permitted with all vertebrates; Manual 21.58
- D050277 MeSH Browser
- M0473616
- Previous indexing
- Toes (1970-2005)
- History note
- 2006
- Public note
- 2006
Allowable subheadings
- AB
- abnormalities 0
- AH
- anatomy & histology 1
- BS
- blood supply 0
- CH
- chemistry 0
- CY
- cytology 0
- DG
- diagnostic imaging 0
- DE
- drug effects 0
- EM
- embryology 0
- EN
- enzymology 0
- GD
- growth & development 0
- IM
- immunology 0
- IN
- injuries 0
- IR
- innervation 0
- ME
- metabolism 0
- MI
- microbiology 0
- PS
- parasitology 0
- PA
- pathology 1
- PH
- physiology 1
- PP
- physiopathology 0
- RE
- radiation effects 0
- SU
- surgery 2
- TR
- transplantation 0
- UL
- ultrastructure 0
- VI
- virology 0
Occurrences in Medvik records