Ultrasonic Surgical Procedures [ultrazvuková chirurgie]


chirurgické výkony za pomoci ultrazvuku
chirurgické zásahy s pomocí ultrazvuku
chirurgie ultrazvuková
ultrazvukové chirurgické výkony


Ultrasonic Surgery
Ultrasound Surgery
Ultrasound Surgical Procedures

Persistent link   https://www.medvik.cz/link/D059708

The use of HIGH-ENERGY SHOCK WAVES, in the frequency range of 20-60 kHz, to cut through or remove tissue. The tissue fragmentation by ultrasonic surgical instruments is caused by mechanical effects not heat as with HIGH-INTENSITY FOCUSED ULTRASOUND ABLATION.

D059708 MeSH Browser
History note
Public note

E Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment
E01 Diagnosis 1 788
E02 Therapeutics 2 573
E04.074 Biopsy 3 542
E04.157 Curettage 112
E04.176 Debridement 351
E04.199 Device Removal 109
E04.221 Dissection 214
E04.237 Drainage 1 018
E04.262 Electrosurgery 65
E04.321 Fasciotomy 30
E04.406 Laparotomy 539
E04.426 Ligation 213
E04.466 Mastectomy 423
E04.480 Metastasectomy 54
E04.494 Microsurgery 738
E04.515 Myotomy 7
E04.579 Ostomy 565
E04.604 Perioperative Care 1 062
E04.620 Pneumonectomy 383
E04.665 Punctures 362
E04.690 Reoperation 882
E04.726 Splenectomy 451
E04.910 Symphysiotomy 1
E04.936 Transplantation 1 179
E04.943.500 Lithotripsy 272
E04.943.875 Phacoemulsification 115
E04.943.937 Piezosurgery 8
E06 Dentistry 1 664