Geography, Medical [lékařská geografie]


geografie zdraví a nemocí
medicínská geografie


Medical Geography

Persistent link

The area of medicine concerned with the effects on health and disease due to geographic factors such as CLIMATE, environmental conditions, and geographic location.

IM as the discipline (education, history, etc); NIM with no qualifiers as a coordinate
IM jako obor (vzdělávání, historie atd.); NIM bez kvalifikátorů se může připojit
D062306 MeSH Browser
Previous indexing
Geography (1964-2012)
History note
Public note

H Disciplines and Occupations
H01.277.500 Geography 408
H01.277.500.097 Geography, Medical 23
H01.277.500.097.500 Topography, Medical 56
H01.277.500.589 Phylogeography 151
H02.403 Medicine 6 025
H02.403.007 Addiction Medicine 121
H02.403.014 Adolescent Medicine 292
H02.403.029 Aerospace Medicine 423
H02.403.044 Allergy and Immunology 2 021
H02.403.066 Anesthesiology 1 275
H02.403.074 Bariatric Medicine 12
H02.403.090 Behavioral Medicine 122
H02.403.200 Clinical Medicine 1 685
H02.403.220 Community Medicine 171
H02.403.225 Dermatology 1 993
H02.403.230 Disaster Medicine 200
H02.403.250 Emergency Medicine 1 402
H02.403.330 Forensic Medicine 1 390
H02.403.340 General Practice 629
H02.403.350 Genetics, Medical 1 000
H02.403.352 Geography, Medical 23
H02.403.352.500 Topography, Medical 56
H02.403.355 Geriatrics 2 220
H02.403.371 Global Health 698
H02.403.377 Hospital Medicine 8
H02.403.400 Integrative Medicine 24
H02.403.429 Internal Medicine 3 314
H02.403.500 Military Medicine 1 816
H02.403.530 Molecular Medicine 24
H02.403.560 Naval Medicine 34
H02.403.600 Neurology 2 636
H02.403.640 Osteopathic Medicine 24
H02.403.645 Palliative Medicine 140
H02.403.650 Pathology 2 111
H02.403.670 Pediatrics 5 402
H02.403.690 Psychiatry 4 308
H02.403.720 Public Health 4 034
H02.403.740 Radiology 1 346
H02.403.763 Reproductive Medicine 413
H02.403.800 Social Medicine 857
H02.403.830 Sports Medicine 1 609
H02.403.840 Telemedicine 883
H02.403.850 Travel Medicine 96
H02.403.879 Tropical Medicine 469
H02.403.894 Vaccinology 14
H02.403.909 Venereology 575
H02.403.959 Wilderness Medicine 5