Influenza Pandemic, 1918-1919 [pandemie španělské chřipky 1918-1919]
- Terms
H1N1 chřipka - pandemie 1918-1919
pandemie H1N1 chřipky 1918-1919
španělská chřipka - pandemie 1918-1919
H1N1 Influenza Pandemic, 1918-1919
Spanish Flu Pandemic, 1918-1919
The influenza outbreaks of 1918 to 1919 also known as Spanish flu pandemic. First reported in Haskell County in Kansas in March of 1918 the disease spread throughout the world and may have killed as many as 25 million people.
- D064149 MeSH Browser
- M0579838
- Previous indexing
- Pandemics (1998-2013)
- History note
- 2014
- Public note
- 2014
Allowable subheadings
- EC
- economics 0
- HI
- history 4
- LJ
- legislation & jurisprudence 0
- MO
- mortality 2
- PC
- prevention & control 1
- SN
- statistics & numerical data 2